The stranger

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It was a normal day
I had just been beat up and was walking
"Home" from school
Then there was darkness
I was used to this
I had passed out because of
Blood loss

No one would notice
No one would care

When I awoke I expected
To be lying on the ground where I fell
Probably missing a few belongings
But no?
I was in a bed
warm and soft
I looked around
I saw my stuff all still there
Neat and tidy
The door opened

There was a person
Burn marks and scars
Covers there skin
They look up to see me sitting

"Oh didn't expect you to wake up so soon"
I shrug and swing my legs out of bed Standing
The man steps toward me as thou
He thought I would fall
I didn't
I was used to the pain and dizziness

A look of surprise cross his face
But he didn't say anything
I noticed that all my wounds were bandaged
I walk to my things put them back in my bag
I walk to the door
The man didn't stop me
I paused by the door
Looking back I say
"Thank you for your kindness I will never forget you"
And walked out
I caught a brief look of his face
It was a mask of surprise and shock

I arrived home
No one had missed me
No one noticed as I limped by

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