His fingers curl into a fist, to avoid what I'm going to do next. Forcefully, I bend his thumb outwards and pinch it in between the lid and base of the lighter. I bend his finger until it almost reaches it's literal breaking point. Then I flip the lighter and set the tip of his thumb aflame.

He screams out at the pain. I let the flame fester and eat the flesh. And when his screams can't possibly get any worse, I break his thumb. His screeches go at least two octaves higher and that only makes my smirk widen.

"Each finger is for someone you hurt beyond repair, just like your fingers will be." I sing out to him.

"P-please... Y/N... stop this...." He pleads.

"Mmm... no. Don't wanna. It's much more fun to see you writhe in pain and know that I'm making you suffer for a change."

I move onto the next finger. And the next. The next one after that. Soon enough... one hand is half melted and each stubby finger is bent at the most horrific angles. If I had any sanity or gag reflex left in me, I'd be tossing up my cookies right now.

My father's eyes are red and bulged out from all the crying and pain I've put him through. But we all know that this pain is temporary and will never be enough to make right all the wrongs he's done. 

My nails dig into his skin with force when I grab his other hand. His head shakes violently and he murmurs out his pleas. "I hope you're praying for a nice spot beside Satan... 'cause that's where you're headed."

"If I'm headed there....t-then so are y-you."

"Oh, I know. But the difference between us is, you'll be on your knees in front of the throne and I'll be the one sitting there." I bare my teeth slightly at him and get to work mutilating his hand.

His screams continue to ring out, but my ears just block them out. Nothing is going on around me but this. Only me and my father are present in this little world around me. I don't know if Hongjoong is still there... or if he's off doing something else. I don't even know if he's still conscious. If I could drag myself out of this trance of doing right by something, then I'd turn around and look.

All I am in this moment is a monster. One full of regrets and sins. A villain. But at least I'm putting this title to use by taking out the trash. Ridding the world of this corrupt disease before me. Making his suffering drag out for as long as I can.

Somewhere, the little girl I used to be who was full of life and innocence tells me this is wrong, that I've already killed too many people, killed my own flesh and blood and that's too far over the line. But that little girl died so long ago when the hands I'm mangling in my own took her away.

Without warning, a single tear slips down my cheek and lands on the already sizzling skin of my father's hands. I guess that's the ultimate form of karma.

His other hand becomes just as much of a mess as the former. Another part of me wishes that his suffering would bring me some form of joy, but it just feels hollow. The hollowness that someone feels in their heart when the love of a parent isn't there. When they weren't actually parents but just birthgivers.

"Y/N.... please stop this.... you've done enough damage." My fathers coarse voice rings out.

"I'll never do enough," I spit back at him. "But I will stop."

His face lights up. "Thank you, thank you so much. I never meant to hurt you the way I did when you were growing up-"I shut him up by slitting his wrists in the most painful way possible.

And I leave him there to bleed out to death.


"In all my time... I've never done something like that..."Hongjoong confesses to me when I step out of the room.

Hongjoong scrambled out of the room and into the hallway, slumped against the wall. His wounds are still bleeding, but not as severely as before.

"You gave me one hell of a scare," I say quietly and check Joong's forehead for any fever.

"I can say the same about you."

"Keep that up and you can crawl your way out of here."

"About that... I managed to make a phone call and some special people are on their way here."


"Y/N, are you okay?"


"I didn't mean physically."

"Then no."

"You gave them what they deserved, but the burden of that shouldn't have fallen to you. I should've been stronger, I should have stopped them-"

I press my finger on his lips to silence him. "Don't. They hurt you just like they hurt me and so many- too many others. It should have been me. I'm glad it was."

"But at what cost?" He mumbles out. "You're already suffering enough. Waking up from terrors in your sleep, shaking, I don't want to see you hurt any more."

"As long as you're with me... now bear with me this will sound very cheesy... I can't get hurt."

"I love you, Y/N, cheese and all."

"It's Kim Y/N now by the way." I beam with joy.

"Oh is it? Well, we didn't have a proper ceremony, we'll have to change that when he get back."

His smile appears and all those worries and screaming voices in my head go away for a brief moment. All I need right now is him. Forever.

A/N yeah yeah this took too long to upload. Oopsie.

This one was really deep and i don't know if I was projecting or what but oops?

Thank you for keeping up with this story (even if it's slowly coming to and end)!

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