🍋A Potion Of Love?🍋

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I don't even have to say anything at this point. But not requested because my dumb brain keeps coming up with random ideas at the most random times.

Skeppy's Pov

I entered the wiches hut. They say that wiches could cast love spells. To which is the reason why some people around the town fell inlove with random objects? Good thing they didn't do that to me. Or I would have been screwed.

She seemed to be a nice lady. But you can never trust a wich right away.

"So, how may I be of service?" She said with a grin.

"Are the myths true?"

"Which one child?! I hear alot of them."

"About the love spell.."

"Ah yes, the love spell. Well child, those people who 'fell in love' with those object's are fake. They just like to spread rumors and myths about us all the time." I nod my head.

"But, I am able to cast and even make love potions." My eyes light up. It was exactly what I wanted to hear.

"Would you be able to make a trade for a love potion?" She shook her head.

"No need for a trade. My potion is still in progress so, all I need you to do is tell me the side affects of this love potion so I could make them better."

Side affects...

I thought about this for a moment. What kind of side affects could a love potion have? I hope they aren't bad.

"A-Alright. Then you have a deal."

"Great! Now, give me a strand of your hair!"

"Wh-What?! Why would you need that?" She seemed anoyed.

"Well, we don't the person you want to get to fall inlove with you fall for someone else now do we?" I shook my head.

"Good! Now give it here boy!" She walked over and took the strand of hair from my head.

"Ow! No so hard!" She rolled her eyes.

"Now, stir the pot for me as I drop this in." She lifted the hair over the pot. "Oh.. and make sure you close your eyes boy."

Right after she said that, I close my eyes as tight as possible and kepted stiring the pot. She counted down from three then droped it into the pot. Fron my eye lids I could see a flash of light before opening my eyes again.

She hold out a small bottle with purple liquid inside. She hold it out to me and I take it.

"Now, give this to them with either there food or drink and they'll sure to fall inlove with you! And to know that the potion is working, the persons eyes will turn purple." I my nod my head and smiled.

"Alright! Thank you!" We said our good-byes and I left.

I walked back to the town. I told Bad I would come over around this time to stop by and have dinner with him. He's been lonely the past week since his sister left to go and stay with there mother for a week. So this would be the perfect chance to try the potion on him!

I walk up to his house and knocked on the door. I then hear the sound of footsteps rushing to the door. It opend and there was Bad. Standing there with his cute shirt he always likes to wear.

"Hey Bad!" I greet him with a smile.

"Skeppy! Right on time! Come in!" He holds the door for me to step in. "I just made dinner for us." I nod my head as we entered the kitchen.

On the table was a big bowl of pasta (I like pasta, can you blame me?) and two bowls on either side of the table. Bad pulls out a seat for me and I thank him. He nods his head before sitting down at his chair.

❤Skephalo Oneshots❤ (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now