☁️New Cat Lucy🍋

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Also not requested. Just thought I'd write it! Enjoy!

3rd Pov

It's been a week since they both decied to adopt a cat from the shelter. The cat was in good shape and she was very playful. But the only thing Bad didn't like about this was all the attention she was getting.

From Skeppy.

Skeppy had a big soft spot for cat's and basicly just any animals. Now don't get him wrong. Bad loved cat's just as much as Skeppy. But he latly was needy for Skeppy's attention since all of it was focused on the cat, Lucy.

Lucy jumped up to the highest point on the cat tree and layed down. Skeppy right under her, looking up at the cat's face.

"Skeppyyyyy." Bad whined who was laying on the couch.

"What's up Bad?" Skeppy looked his way.

"Can you come cuddle me please?" Bad hold out his arms as he layed there.

"Sure Bad. Just give me 10 minutes." Bad groaned.

"But you said that 10 minutes agoooo.." Bad whined again.

"Sorry Bad. I just didn't get to feed her yet. It's already dinner time." He looked back at the cat. "Speaking of dinner, you should go make it! I always love when you cook!" Skeppy looked back and smiled.

Bad didn't want to sink in to Skeppy's cute charms but he was to adorable to say no.

"Fine. I'll go make it.." Bad sighed as he got up from the couch. He walks up to Skeppy and put's his arms around him. "But we're gonna cuddle afterwards right?" Skeppy nodded.

Bad smiled as he headed to the kitchen. He looked around for anything he could make for them. While Skeppy led the cat to her food bowl and place some dry food in one, and water in the other. Lucy meowed happily as she stared eatting it.

"I knew you would like it!" Skeppy cheered while petting the cat's back.

Bad looked over to see Skeppy happily petting the cat on the floor as the cat ate. He got a bit jealous.

"Don't you think you're giving the cat to much attention? I understand you love cat's but if you keep this up you might start to spoil her." Skeppy shook his head.

"Don't worry about it Bad. I'm smarter then that!" Skeppy gave a small thumbs up and smiled. Bad gave him a sad smile as he nods.


A little while after, they were at there small dinner table for two, eatting some ramen Bad had made for them. Lightly blowing on the hot ramen, Bad had a idea to sure get Skeppy's attention.

He excused himself from the table as he headed into to bedroom. He looked under the bed and sure enough it was still there.

"If Skeppy likes cats so much, then why not dress like one?" He thought to himself as he put on the black and red cat ears. He smiled to himself knowing that it will sure get Skeppy's attention.

He walked back down to the kitchen where Skeppy was petting Lucy who jumped on the table. He sighs to himself before sitting back down at the table, grabing his fork and picking up the ramen.

As Bad blew on the still somewhat hot ramen, he heard a gasp from Skeppy's direction. Putting the ramen in his mouth he looked up to see Skeppy staring at him in disbelief.

"Is something wrong Skeppy?" Skeppy shook his head.

"Your ears." Bad nods.

"Yeah? What about them?"

"They look so cute!" Bad gave a lustful smile to Skeppy.

Skeppy stood up so he could look closer at Bad who also stood up. Skeppy stares at Bad's ears before feeling a push. Bad pushed Skeppy up against the wall and kissed him on the lips. They both shared a deep kiss with a few moans here and there before they broke apart. Both panting, Bad starts to kiss Skeppy's neck. Leaving Skeppy moan a bit in pleasure.

"Ahh~" Bad smile to himself as he found Skeppys sensitve spot and started to abuse it. Sucking and licking all over that same spot.

A few more moans from Skeppy before Bad decied to tease Skeppy a bit by rubbing his knee on Skeppy's croch.

"Mmmmm B-Bad~" Bad smiled to himself before letting go of Skeppy. Skeppy whined from loss of pleasure.

"I'm gonna go take a shower Skeppy." Skeppy hold onto Bad's arm.

"Noooooo, don't go Baaaaad.." Skeppy whined.

"I'm sorry Skeppy but I need to take one." Skeppy let go of Bad's arm. "Maybe we'll contuine this later." He winked before heading upstairs.

Hope you enjoyed! Part 2?👀

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