「5」sorrowful days.

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The next few chapter will focus on damian

A REFLECTION, it shows all, but nothing of what he should ok like. the longer he stands in front of it, the more his glare intensified. the paleness of his skin irritated him, the hue of red that covered his normally blue tinted eyes, the same colour as the blood he's forced to drink, he hates himself.

more than anything on this planet, he hates himself. the way he looks, the way he walks, the way he eats, talks, everything, he hates it. primed and groomed by a noble who deserved no such naming, it didn't work thankfully, but the memories are there, and sadly, a still lingering in scar his mind.

he doubted they would ever leave, it's been six years since he's been here and he's never forgotten. the words, whispers, touches, murder, all of it ingrained in his mind, to the point that it even started to become normal to him. a day without his suffering or maybe the murder of another was seen as odd to him now.

but this, looking into a mirror and hating every possible thing about him, wanting so desperately to just wrap his hand around his neck and snap. he'll lose, but that is completely fine to him, he has nothing to win, truly and honestly nothing gain from being alive. but he doesn't have a choice, he's tried taking his own life, lucio swooping in and "saving the day" before he could truly pass.

he longs for death, he aches for it. but he didn't always, three years ago he still had some will to live, then, he was told of your passing. he was locked up in a room when he was told, sitting on the bed reading a book about the kingdom he resided in, a guard entering the room, bowing their head and saying three words that changed his whole view and perception of the planet he calls earth.

"sir, we regret to inform you, but miss [name] has passed."

he lifted a hand to his neck, shivering upon contact, it's a feeling he gets sometimes, when he thinks of you, a horrible feeling of failure. your ghostly hugs and kisses around his body seeming to show in every place, but when he blinks, it's all gone.

his neck, the place you used to wrap your arms around, where you would put your head when you were planning to sleep. the conversation the both of you would have sometimes rings throughout his mind, what toys you used to see, how much bread cost at the time, what your dreams for the future were.

"i want both of us to live the happiest of lives together!"

you were so sweetly naive, it was your biggest flaw but one of his favourite traits. he'd kill to see that naivety again, to breath it in, to... be around you.

his eyes started feeling heavy as he vision slowly started to get cloudy, hot tears gliding down the sides of his face, he'd give everything he had, which isn't much, to just see you again.

the last thing of you he has was when you were being carried away by one of lucio's guards. your unconscious body hanging off of the side loosely.

he didn't even get to see your eyes, he didn't even get to say goodbye... not even one last hug. to him now, hugs are childish, from anyone else, but he'll make an exception for you. to feel your warm body pressed up against this, to redo and remake every memory he's ever had with you, is a dream he's want to come true for far too long.

the both of would go walking through town, or the both of you would climb up a hill and sit with your legs over the edge, look at the town, point at curtain people and attractions, maybe even relive the time when you first tried meat, the way your cheeks went red and your body melted was more than he could handle. if those moments could happen again, he'd do anything to make it happen, anything.

there are too many things you both missed out on doing together, there are too many thing you missed out on. proper food, he bet you'd like the wine they serve here, or maybe the cuts of meat, though he doesn't need them for nutrition, they provide nothing in that field, he eats them regardless, the thought of wasting that food when he could clearly imagine you stuffing your face with food, makes his stomach churn.

he can see tons of things the both of you could be doing here, sitting on the bed together, talking for as long as you both wanted. but more than anything, he could see and yearns for just a hug, that warm embrace form you sound more than beautiful, he'd never want it end, to always be that close to you, it's something he's always wanted, something he truly wouldn't be able to give up.

he would say he'd fulfill that desire when he died, go to wherever you are and that be it, but he wouldn't be going in the same place as you. all the people he's killed, the lives he's stolen, he'll never make it to wher you are, and even if he did.

"what's wrong?" A male voice questioned, coming up behind him slowly, rubbing his waist soothingly and kissing the side of his face. a darker colour of brown hair brushing against the side of his face, "what are you thinking about?"

he looked to the side of himself in the mirror, a man-or "man"-a little bit short than himself, the same eyes and teeth as himself, his skin pale but a luminous hazel tone still slightly visible.

"nothing," he whispered, raising his arm up to wipe away the water from his eyes, the male on his shoulder huffing and wrapping his arms around him tightly, pulling in for a loose hug.

"you've been down as of late, you don't normally cry in front of me, are you sure there's nothing you want to talk about?"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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