Chapter 26

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"I'm breaking up with you."
Lucy looked at him in horror. The couple were in Lucy's apartment, away from the noisy and curious guild members. She slumped to the ground, heartbroken.

"What do you mean?" Lucy choked out, swallowing a sob. "Did I... Did I do something?"
Zeref stared at her, feeling guilty. He hates to see her sad, but he needs to do this. He himself, feels heartbroken. "You didn't do anything, Lucy."
Tears falled from her rosy cheeks and she wiped them off roughly with the back of her hand, but they just came back. "Then... what's the reason?"
Zeref wants to walk towards her and kneel beside her on the floor to comfort her, but he can't. "It's because of me. Lucy, I don't want to hurt you."
"But you are hurting me right now!"
Zeref closed his eyes and massaged his temples. "I know..."

"Why are you doing this to me! I don't care whatever half-assed reason you give me, but I love you and I want to stay by your side forever!!! Was it because when I faked died?! I didn't die! You see, I'm right here! God Ankhseram told me that I was there with him because he was explaining how I won't be the Light Goddess anymore! But I don't mind!! Becuase what's important to me is not power, it my friends, my family and you are part of that!!! You can't leave me!"
Zeref shaked his head and opened his eyes, glaring at Lucy. "Don't you know how hard it is for me!? I loved Mavis, but because of me she died! And now I love you, but you died too! I even wanted to ask for your hand! You can tell me a million times that you faked died, I don't fucking care!! It hurt just the same!!! I can't take it anymore! Seeing everyone I love die! It's too hard! Too—" Zeref paused and took a deep breath. "And now that you don't have your Goddess magic anymore you might die because of my curse."

"Zeref..." Lucy muttered. "I'm so sorry..."
"It's not your fault. It's mine... I'm the one who decided to continue my research because I couldn't accept the fact that my parents were dead... That Natsu was dead."
"So... you're just going to leave me here?" Lucy asked.
Zeref stared at her a little longer and then answered, "Yes... It's for the best."

The tears falled faster and the sob Lucy tried so much to keep in escapes. Her hands reached for her hair and she pulls on the roots. Zeref stared at her once more before making his way towards the door.

"Please don't leave..." Lucy whispered. "I love you..."

Zeref doesn't look back and grabbed the door knob, he twisted it open and just before he leaves he stated the final blow; "I'm even surprised you're still alive."
The door closes behind him and Lucy screamed in pain. She let's go of her hair and goes towards her heart and gripped her shirt into her fists, where it hurts so much. She even hears her heart breaking into millions of little pieces. Pieces that won't be able to get glued back together.

Lucy returned to the guild, after a week.

Dark eyebags can be clearly seen under her chocolate brown eyes. Her skin who was pale is now paler by the lack of sunlight, making her look like a walking ghost. However, the worst of all is the fact that Lucy felt no emotions of any sort. No smile was plastered on her lips. No glowy aura surrounded her. She was dead. But when she goes to the guild, she makes sure to dress like she normally would. Wearing her usual clothes and brushing her hair into a side ponytail, tied with a blue ribbon. The only thing she can't hide is her eyebags because even with make-up it doesn't do much and her aura. That is one thing she can't hide. 

Nobody at the guild knows that Zeref and Lucy broke up. They just thought that Zeref went back to Alvarez because he had some buisness to attend to. And Lucy—who has been separated with her friends for a long time didn't want to leave the guild. They think that Lucy is missing Zeref gravely, which is true, but not in the same way they think.

Natsu and Happy are the ones more concerned about Lucy's state. They are the ones who don't believe anything about the; 'went back to Alvarez for some buisness' thing. 

"Lucy?" Natsu asked.
Lucy looked up from her untouched strawberry smoothie and stared up at Natsu. "What is it?"
"Wanna go on a mission with me and Happy? Like the old times?"
"Yeah sure." she answered without emotion. She stood up from her seat, ready to leave, but Natsu stopped her by grabbing her wirst.
"Aren't you going to finish drinking your smoothie?"
"Oh yeah..." Lucy said and takes it. Natsu let's go of her and let's her drink her smoothie before going. She finished it and went to the bar to give it to Mira. She then makes her way towards the doors and Natsu and Happy follows behind. Happy holding the paper for the quest in his paw.
They step out of the guild and Natsu and Happy share a concerned glance.

"Hey Luce? Don't you want to know what's the mission?"
"Oh?" Lucy stopped in her tracks and looked over her shoulder. "Silly me... Of course."

Natsu and Happy shivered.

Her voice is so cold.

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