New Leaf: Samsara

Start from the beginning

You don't recall much from your first four months, and that's a good thing, because you really don't want to remember coming out of a vagina with a clear and very conscious memory. Your lack of proper eyesight probably contributed to that too, so hooray for shitty vision.

Infantile amnesia, you are welcomed here.

So far, your life as a baby is basically like a vacation for your matured mind. Everything was done for you, because no one expected you to do things on your own. No responsibilities, no stress-- just an overall relaxation with some occasional one-sided conversations from your father... or at least, you think he's your father.

He was the only constant adult in your new life, along with the fact he's your only caretaker. That easily meant your mother was out of the picture.

Huh, could it be that fate chose you to have a father now that you already experienced having a mother? As far as you're aware, you don't think you have a sibling this time around either. If that were the case, does that prove that in some way karma exists?

You digress.

While being a baby lets you do nothing all day, it is utterly, frustratingly boring.

Maybe things would be less boring if you could move on your own.

You wonder when it's normal for babies to start learning how to crawl.


Turns out, it didn't take long for you to start walking. It only took you a few weeks after pondering about crawling. That isn't to say you didn't have difficulties lifting yourself up, because damn your heavy head was a work-out for your weak legs. Actually, now that you think about it, it's not that your legs are weak; it's just that you probably shouldn't be walking yet.

Still, you managed.

Father was absolutely gobsmacked, and seemed to question if your development was normal with the use of his trusty book that's probably about parenting. With how often he opens that book before handling you, you think you made a pretty good educated guess. Though, you're not really sure what he's reading. Why? Well...

You can't read.

At least, not their language.

Because life was not satisfied with just you remembering your past life, it decided to have you reincarnated somewhere with a language you don't know how to speak, much less read.

You recognized the language, however. Japanese; Nihongo.

You were reincarnated in Japan.

(The irony did not escape you that you were born in one of Mother's top hated countries. Maybe this was your karma for watching too much anime.)

On the bright side, at least you won't get scolded for consuming Japanese media in the future.

Ugh, if only Mother had actually let you learn Nihongo, then adjusting would've been a lot easier.

Ah well, you'll learn how to speak the language eventually, as long as Father keeps talking to you. Plus, he doesn't even coo obnoxiously with the usual high-pitched baby talk, so you won't have trouble identifying phonemes.

Both Korean and Japanese are agglutinative languages, so you're somewhat familiar with the grammar structure, especially that both languages have Chinese loanwords (but with different pronunciations). Plus, the Japanese use the subject-object-verb grammar system which is identical to Korean; you just have to learn new vocabularies (ugh, memorizing), and familiarize yourself with new grammar rules that aren't applicable to the Korean language.

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