The omega crooned in pleasure as he opened up to the alpha, allowing their tongues to finally meet and explore each other.


The moment Bakugo and Kirishima walked back into their den, they knew something was wrong. The obvious indicator was that for some reason Todoroki was sleeping alone.

Where was Midoriya?

They would have just assumed that Midoriya was in his nest if it hadn't been the fact that one of the doors was open enough they could see the omega was not there.

Putting down the food they had brought back, Bakugo quickly went over to shake Todoroki awake as Kirishima went to check on Shinso.

"Wake up, candy-cane! Where the hell did Midoriya go?" Bakugo demanded

"Wha-? What do you-?" Todoroki started, still sleepy from his rather rude awakening, before suddenly shooting up in a panic at Midoriya not being next to him anymore.

"Hey Kat?" Kirishima called, his hesitation at whatever was happening was evident in his voice.

The two alphas wasted no time in rushing over to Kirishima, hoping that their omega was safe.

The sight they were greeted with though was one they had never expected to see, and one they had hoped they could prevent (at least for the time being).

As the three peeked in through the door of the bathroom, they saw their greenette clinging to the purple alpha like a koala while they practically devoured each others mouths.

All three of them blushed at the moan that came out of the omegas throat. Fortunately, Todoroki was the first to break out of the daze they all seemed to be in.

Cautiously making his way over to the two, Todoroki laid his hand down on the top of the omegas head, effectively gaining the greenettes attention.

The greenette whined happily at the prospect of receiving even more attention.

Midoriya nuzzled into Todoroki's hand as Shinso started on the omegas neck.

Todoroki watched as Bakugo and Kirishima came around to both of Shinso's sides. Bakugo brought a hand up to Midoriya's interlocked legs and soothed his hand down the omegas' deceptively strong thighs until the omega relaxed his legs enough to release their hold around Shinso's waist.

Carefully yet quickly, Todoroki was able to tug the omega out from under the purple alpha.

Midoriya giggled as he was man-handled by two different alphas, practically fighting for his attention in his heat-addled brain.

Then suddenly there was only one alpha again.

Todoroki stood up with the wiggling omega in his arms, not envying Kirishima and Bakugo who have to deal with a protective and rutting alpha.

The bi-colored alpha quickly carried the panting omega out of the bathroom before closing the door.

Suddenly Midoriya was pressing his face into Todoroki's scent gland before scenting the alpha as thoroughly as he could in the position he was in.

Walking a little faster, Todoroki made it to the greenettes cupboard. He struggled for a few long seconds to open the doors, but soon enough succeeded and kneels down for the omega who refused to let go.

In the end, Todoroki wound up laying down beside the omega just outside of his nest, watching as his dazed green eyes slowly slid shut and his breathing evened out.

Todoroki couldn't help but let out a big sigh of relief. He didn't know that an omega in heat could cause so much stress.

Sitting up again, Todoroki gently closed the cupboard doors, latching the lock on one but leaving the other open.

I should probably go check on the others. Today was supposed to be Toshi's last day, Todoroki thought to himself as he begrudgingly stood to make his way back to the bathroom.


Midoriya ended up staying in his cupboard for the duration of heat. The four alphas couldn't help but be a bit worried for their omega who seemed to be throwing a bit of a tantrum at not getting his way.

Every time they tried to open the door to his cabinet to give him food or water, the greenette would throw a little fit and hiss at them until they left.

Unfortunately, Bakugo found this out the bad way when he accidentally opened the cabinet door a little too quickly and he was suddenly assaulted with the fiercest little growl they had ever heard from the cute little omega. Not only did he actually growl at the pack alpha, but in an attempt to keep him out of his nest, he swiped his sharp fingers right in front of the blonde just narrowly missing the man's nose.

Needless to say, everyone took care not to startle the omega.

The days passed in a very similar fashion until nearly five days had passed, two days since Shinso's rut ended.

Finally on the sixth day, Midoriya's heat started to break. It was fortunate because that was also the one day out of every other week they could use the shower rooms.

Because the facility they lived in housed a good number of alphas, they had to schedule different times for all the different found packs to do things. Things like getting food, taking showers, even the check ups the doctors forced on the alphas at least once a month.

They did this because the people at the facility were convinced that the alphas were just too feral to be in close contact with each other, especially those not already emotionally close.

So they came up with this system, and it some ways it was really inconvenient and in others it was actually helpful, especially in this instance with their omega still technically in heat.

About half an hour before they were allowed in the showers, Kirishima braved the cupboard.

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