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On May 10, Tang Xuanli and Qiu Wu reported to the school. Tang Xuanli's shoulder was still in the stage of injury cultivation. At the beginning, he was lucky and didn't hurt the bone. Now he is recovering. Apart from the itchy wound, there is nothing else.

In order to prevent others from touching his shoulder, he stood on the podium on the first day when he came back and said: "my shoulder was injured after I went home. Please don't hug me or anything, i will be dead." He also didn't know whether his reactive actions, which hurt, would crush him to death.

"Is it so badly hurt?" Everyone looked at Tang Xuanli and saw that his face was still a little pale.

"Well, you can know it. It's inconvenient for Tang Xuanli to get hurt. Please don't touch his shoulder."

"What will happen if I touch it?" Someone asked curiously.

"There will be a blood clot." Tang Xuanli replied.

"Poof..." Yi Lanyou and Zhang Ya both remembered the day of the sports test with a smile. At the same time, Lin xiaorou's face became ugly. She didn't want to recall that humiliating thing at all. The others in the classroom were silent, and they all remembered the scene of that day.

Don't know why Tang Xuan looked at everyone, don't know what he said is wrong, what happened to the blood avalanche? He looked at Qiu Wu, who was also dazed.

Bai Yiming was also very embarrassed at this time. He was thinking about how to change the topic. He heard Tang Xuanli say, "I'm afraid the air will suddenly be quiet."

"Hahaha..." Everyone was laughed at by Tang Xuanli's.

Bai Yiming also smiled and said, "you two go back to your seats."

The two returned to their seats. Wang Xiaoman felt flustered ever since she heard Tang Xuanli's injury. Her eyes were fixed on his shoulders, and her hands were agitated uneasily.

Wang Xiaoman couldn't listen to this class at all. She was worried about Tang Xuanli.

At the end of class, the students gathered around Tang Xuanli's desk and asked him how he was doing. Although Tang Xuanli transferred from school, he was always giggling at ordinary times. He was quite popular in the class.

Wang Xiaoman also wanted to ask, but she didn't have the courage so she came to Ilanyou and ask Qiu Wu, "Qiu Wu, do you know how Tang Xuanli got his shoulder?"

Qiu Wu looks at Yilanyou. Yilanyou points her head and hooks her fingers: "come here, I'll tell you."

"Oh." Wang Xiaoman went by.

"Gunshot wounds." Said Ilanyou in a low voice.

"What?" Wang Xiaoman stares round her eyes, and her heart beats disorderly. "Gun?" What's going on? Why is it a gunshot wound?

Her voice was a little out of control, decibel was a little big, and attracted the attention of the people around her. Wang Xiaoman immediately put her hands on her mouth, and then continued to look at Ilanyou in panic. For her, the gun only existed in the TV.

"Xiaoman, do you need to be so surprised? It's like you have a gun. " Zhang Ya understood Wang Xiaoman's surprise, but she came to the arena and said, "I haven't seen the world. It's normal for Witt to commit suicide with a gun at last."

"Oh." Wang Xiaoman nodded.

After hearing this, the people around them turned their heads one after another. It seems that they were discussing the ending of young Witt's troubles.

"Let's go out and talk after the second class." They really have something to talk about.

"Good." Wang Xiaoman nodded her head. She was still in a panic, even more scared than before.

"Little man, you don't have to think too much." Zhang Ya put her arm around Wang Xiaoman's shoulder and whispered, "how could he come to school if he really had something to do? Do you really think he's as stupid as someone who runs to a blood clot for a bad test? " So, Zhang Ya took a more casual look at Lin xiaorou, who was just about to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Lin xiaorou's face changed and she went in another direction. How could Zhang Ya be so cheap!

"Yes." Wang Xiaoman nodded and let go for a while.

After the second class, Yilanyou took Zhang Ya and Wang Xiaoman out of the classroom and ran to the rooftop.

"In fact, I killed Tang Xuanli." Yilanyou thought for a moment and said, "I was also scared and forgot to avoid. Tang Xuanli was shot to help me."

"Why?" Wang Xiaoman couldn't believe it: "Youyou, did you provoke anyone?"

"No." Yi Lanyou helplessly shrugged: "probably I am in the way of others."

"Will someone hurt you later?" Wang Xiaoman is more and more nervous. It's a gun. If it wasn't for Tang Xuanli, would she never see her best friend again?

"Yes." Yilanyou reached out and rubbed Wang Xiaoman's head: "but don't worry, I won't wait to die."

"Here..." Wang Xiaoman still feels insecure.

"It's all right!" Zhang Ya waved: "nobody dares to hurt Youyou in Z city. How could she say that she is also miss Yi? Who would be so stupid? Don't die?"

"Then don't leave Z city." Wang Xiaoman said nervously, "it's ok if you don't go out."

"I won't leave for the time being." "I won't die, don't worry," Yilanyou said Looking at Wang Xiaoman's mood more stable, Ilanyou asked Wang Xiaoman, "I haven't asked you yet. What's the matter with you? It's very abnormal before May 1st."

"Do you..." Wang Xiaoman's eyes dodged.

"Yes." Zhang Ya and Ilanyou nodded at the same time: "you'd better tell the truth."

"Then Then I said don't scold me... " Wang Xiaoman bit her lower lip, which she had hidden in her heart for a long time.

"Let's tell what it is." Zhang Ya replied.

"In fact, it is..." Wang Xiaoman said about the incident that happened when she asked Qiu Wu to deliver her love letter that day: "I don't know how Tang Xuanli suddenly appeared."

"Xiaoman, I always thought Lin xiaorou was the most unlucky person." Zhang Ya sighed: "I found you didn't miss much..."

"Yes." Ilanyou nodded in cooperation.

"Don't say that..." Wang Xiaoman covers her face with both hands: "what can I do? I am also desperate..."

"So the love letter is still in Tang Xuanli's hands?" Zhang Ya asked.

"Yes..." Wang Xiaoman cried, "he thought I gave Qiu Wu this love letter."

"So it is." Yilanyou suddenly understood the meaning of Tang Xuanli's words when eating the set meal that day.

[Wang Xiaoman seems to have someone he likes]

this is a big mistake..really big.

REBIRTH OF THE REVENGE QUEEN  {VOLUME-1  PART-2}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum