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"Yes." "Now it's normal for young people to want to touch new industries," she nodded. How many girls would like to deal with firewood, rice, oil and salt all day long..

"Cut it." Ilanyou looks at her masterpiece a little lost. It's not good.

"Let's soak in the water." Said Chiyue.

"Yes?" Yi Lan You Leng Leng: "soak in the water?"

"That stew is still a long time away. After this one is cut and soaked in water, we can have a chat." "Chi yue says with a smile:" bubble water locks fresh, pour also is a lazy method."

"Good." Ilan you nodded and followed Chi Yue's words to soak the cut silk into the water: "mummy, then you can talk to me about my mother's boss, I do care a little."

"Yes." Chi Yue nodded and pulled ilanyou aside to talk about Yuan Hui's boss.

"No..." Ilanyou opened her eyes and said, "manager Ning is only 29 years old?" That's a lot smaller than her mother. Her mother is.... he is a little fresh meat, right.

"Yes, it's a handsome and sunny man." Chi Yue said, "he is a little younger, and a little worse than your mother. I'm still more optimistic about your father."

"Mummy, you haven't said where you saw my father." Asked ilanyou curiously.

"It was the last time we went back to see your mother. We were waiting for the bus when he suddenly appeared. He drove your mother away and sent her back in the evening." "Your father is also very handsome, and he doesn't look like a man who can cheat and make mistakes. Do you know why your parents divorced?" Chi yue recalled.

"I don't know." Yilanyou shakes her head. She really doesn't know this. Yuan Hui didn't mention it. Yihaoen didn't say it either. Moreover, looking at the posture, neither of them would want to tell her. Yilanyou frowned. There were so many mysteries 17 years ago that she couldn't solve them. At that time, a smiling face came to her mind. Yilanyou mumbled: "yihaofeng..." He should have known what happened seventeen years ago. It would be nice if she could get something out of him.

Is it just possible? Yilanyou has no bottom in mind. After all, yihaofeng was invited back by Fang Fang. His purpose is to target herself. In this case, how can he help her??

"Youyou, what do you say?" Chi yue did not listen to clear Yi Lan's whisper then asked.

"Nothing. I wonder why my parents got divorced." Yilanyou thought for a moment and then changed the topic and asked, "mummy, I haven't asked about your family's business yet. What does grandpa do?"

"He?" "He is also a cook. He is also a great cook."

"Still alive?" Asked ilanyou.

"Well, it should be." Chi Yue nodded. If her father died, there would be a big stir in the catering industry of state Z. then she would know. But she thought that even if she heard the news of her father's death from other people's mouths or newspapers in her life, Chi Yue would be very sad. But what's the way? At the beginning, she suffered from herself and ran away from home for the sake of a scum man and her father was so angry..

"Should?" Yilan you was stunned, and her brain quickly asked tentatively, "mummy, Xiaoman have seen her grandfather? "

"No." Chi yue shook her head, eyes are full of bitterness.

"Oh." Ilan you guessed that it's about the privacy of Chi Yue's family affairs. Ilan you can't ask any more questions. They are silent. In the kitchen, only the steamer makes the sound of boiling water on the hearth, and the hot hiss.

At this time, Wang Xiaoman came in to break the awkward silence: "Mom, I've washed the fruit and wiped the floor. I'm hungry. For how long should i wait???"

"Don't worry." Chi Yue got up to turn the stew into a medium fire: "there is still half an hour left."

"Go and have some fruit first." Yilanyou got up and said.

"Oh..." Wang Xiaoman went out of the kitchen with her head down. Seeing Wang Xiaoman's appearance, Chi Yue and ilanyou smiled at each other and turned over the topic just now: "come on, Youyou, go on with the steps just now, take out the vegetables and dry them first." Chi Yuejiao is very meticulous. Step by step, she also explains some taboos and precautions for Ilan you in the process of cooking. Ilan you also listened carefully.

Soon, the dish is ready to be fried. At last, pour a little lemon juice on it, even if it's ready to be fried. Ilanyou brings the fried dish to the table and rice. When she turns around and enters the kitchen, the fragrance on the surface makes her stupefied.

The aroma of spareribs and stewed chicken naturally doesn't need to be said. As long as you smell it, you can know that its meat is soft, tender and delicious. What makes her really feel delicious is the light herbal fragrance, the unique freshness of pectin, the sweetness of jujube and wolfberry, and the sweetness of longan The essence of this pot must be in this soup.

After washing her hands and sitting at the table, Wang Xiaoman, as the only one who didn't help, offered to serve yilanyou and Chiyue rice. Yilanyou held up her chopsticks and thanked Wang Xiaoman: "thank you."

"You are welcome." Wang Xiaoman smiled: "Mom, this stew is so delicious."

"Eat more if you like." Chi Yue smiles. Her cooking is liked by her daughter. It's also a very happy thing for her.

"Yes." Wang Xiaoman smiled happily. It may be a normal thing to have a mother who can cook, but there is a mother who can cook super delicious food. That kind of happiness is beyond anyone's imagination.

Ilanyou looked at the light oil flowers floating on the soup surface, and felt it was very clear. She took a spoon and tasted it in her mouth. The slightly hot soup head contained all the delicious glycol: "good to drink."

"Then drink more." Chi Yue's eyes turned into a small crescent with a smile.

At this time, there was a sound of the key opening outside the door.

"It may be that the godmother is back." Wang Xiaoman said vaguely, biting her chopsticks.

"Ah Hui didn't say she would come back in the evening?" Chi yue said and with some wonder also leaned forward to look at the door.

At this time, the door was opened and two people came in. Yuan Hui, who looked weak, was right. Her cheeks were red, her eyes were watery, and her body seemed to be weak. The man holding her looked less than 30 years old. He wore a light gray fur coat on the outside of the suit, looking handsome and sunny.

"This is manager Ning?" Yilanyou asked Chi yue in a low voice.

"Yes." Chi Yue nodded her head: "yes, isn't it handsome?"

It's a little interesting that this happens.. only if you're not handsome.

REBIRTH OF THE REVENGE QUEEN  {VOLUME-1  PART-2}Where stories live. Discover now