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Back in the room, Ilanyou sat by the bed staring at the box and pondered. Er Gouzi didn't understand why Ilanyou felt strange today. He just rubbed her around her legs to comfort her.

"Ah..." With a heavy sigh, Yilanyou was in a mess. Seeing that there were three days to go before Zhou's banquet, it was difficult to fight a battle, but now it happened again.

It seems that Yilanyou was crushed by a huge stone. Yilanyou felt a little out of breath, and really came together.

Open the box with the gold bricks. Ilanyou slides a piece of gold bricks with her fingertips, picks up one of them and weighs it. It's almost 100g. I don't know what the market price of gold is now. It's not enough for her to find a lawyer who can help her win the lawsuit.

"Lei Liting..." Yi Lan is murmuring, suddenly she feel that the name seems to have a little impression, but she can't remember it for a while. She grab her head impatiently, and Yi Lan you takes out her mobile phone and dials a phone number.

When the phone is connected, there comes a lazy voice with ruffian: "hello? What's with the wind today? How does the little girl think of calling me? "

"Sven, do you have any trouble?" Asked Ilanyou.

"No, no, No." Sven just got up and was waiting for his favorite pickles to be ready, staring at the data on the computer: "what's the matter?"

"I'd like to ask if you have any reliable lawyers?" "It doesn't matter if the price is a little expensive," said Yilanyou. "He must have strength."

"Lawyer?" Sven thought: "the law firm with good reputation in Z city seems to be Qian's or not."

Hearing Qian's law firm Ilanyou, she thought of Qian congealing, and she was disgusted: "not from Z city."

"Will you tell me what happened first?" Sven laughed and joked: "It must be a good lawyer, why? Killing? Want to get rid of the crime? "

"No." Ilanyou shook her head and sighed: "the original owner of Er Gouzi came to the door and wanted to take back ER Gouzi."

"Oh..." Sven's impression on ER Gouzi is quite deep: "this is really a difficult thing?"

"Yes." Yilanyou also had a headache: "they said they would arrange a lawyer to sue. It seems that the original owner of Er Gouzi is not a simple person."

"Tell me." Sven is interested.

"He gave me a box of gold bricks as soon as he came today. It's twelve pieces in all, about 100g each." Said Ilanyou.

"BRICK's?" Sven gasped at the corners of his mouth: "this is really not small. Now the price of gold is almost 400:1g, and it costs 480000 yuan without processing fee. Where is the moat for such a expensive gift?"

"I don't know either." Yilanyou replied, "he said his name is Lei Liting." When Ilanyou mentioned the name, she couldn't help remembering what she heard. Today, she was really unlucky. She heard the feeling of a 40 year old woman doing something in the early morning, and in the morning, she heard the sullen monologue of a cold man Eh...

"Who?" Sven's business suddenly became serious: "what do you say his name is?"

"Lei Liting..." When Ilanyou heard Sven's voice, she couldn't help but say, "this man It's very strong backstage? "

"How much did he pay back for ER Gouzi?" Asked Sven calmly.

"600000." Yilanyou replied, "He added another 200000 RMB in the back. I don't want to. He asked me to make an offer myself."

"He can afford it." Sven replied, "he can afford ten times more."

"Who is he?" Ilan you was full of doubts.

"Have you heard of Zeus?" Asked Sven.

“Zeus?” Yilanyou replied, "the head of the Twelve Gods of Olympus? The God who sleeps with his sister? "

"I'm talking about the Zeus brand." Sven explained.

"Global No.1 diamond tycoon?" Yilanyou remembers this. In the past, she was also a loyal supporter of Zeus. Because of her silly money, she would take part in every new Zeus model, and then buy it back to Fang Fang and Yiruier, and sometimes to Lin xiaorou.

"That's right." "Now the CEO of Zeus is a Chinese living in the UK, and his name is Lei Chenkang," said Sven

"You mean..." Ilanyou swallowed her mouth: "Liting is Lei Chenkang's son?" That upstart?

"Yes." Sven replied, "and only son." After a long breath, Sven advised, "so you don't have to think about how good a lawyer you can get. You can't afford to hire a lawyer better than him."

“……” Ilanyou heard this and squeezed her fist: "even if it is like this, I will try it."

"Well, I'll pick you up now, and then I'll accompany you to Qian's consultation." Sven said.

"Qian?" Ilanyou is still a little resistant.

"Just consulting." Sven's nightclub got into trouble some time ago. It was solved by Qian's lawyer, which minimized the harm. So Sven still has a good impression on Qian at present.

"All right." Ilanyou nodded. She looked at the dog lying on her feet. Her eyes became soft: "I'll wait for you." This is also for ER Gouzi.

"OK." After hanging up the phone, Sven saw that the pickled noodles in the old jar had been thrown into the garbage can. He was puzzled. He really owed the couple. Last time, half of his pickled dishes were lost by Longshao. This time, he could not eat the pickled noodles before he could eat them.

Taking a coat, Sven drove to pick up Ilanyou, and then went to Qian's law firm.

The lawyer who received them was Qian Xu, the gold lawyer of Qian's law firm. After listening to Ilanyou's story, Qian Xu shook his head and said, "no win."

"Nothing?" Asked Sven.

"Since the other side can provide that they are the original owners of the dog, there is no way." "It has become a debt of management without cause," Qian explained

"What if I don't return it?" Asked Ilanyou.

"You can be charged with embezzlement." Qian Xu replied: "You can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years, criminal detention or fine. Now the best solution is that you have the right to ask the owner of the animal to pay you for the loss of the animal since it has become a debt of management without cause. "

Shaking her head, Ilanyou stood up. She never asked for money. It was Er Gouzi.

"It's really hard to do." Sven looks at Ilanyou. If it's just an ordinary person, he can do something about it, but the other side is a guy who is furious and doesn't eat hard or soft: "or Do you want to ask Long Shao? "

REBIRTH OF THE REVENGE QUEEN  {VOLUME-1  PART-2}Where stories live. Discover now