Chapter Six: Illusions and Ghosts

Start from the beginning

"..F..DY! WAK... UP!!"

He was on edge. His heart hammered against his rib cage, Ghostbur sat in front of him gripping his shoulders tightly and shaking his son fiercely.

His body ached, I suppose respawning felt like that. Fundy winced internally, his uncle had to go through that twice already- his father all three times.

There wasn't much he could think of other than the scent of pine that wafted around the area, dew made his shoes wet and his sleeves damp. A stream was gushing with water not too far off, birds chirped wildly- making a tune out of chaos.

"Fundy?" A voice with an echo said softly, he turned to meet Ghostbur's gaze. Eyes filled with blue tears met his panicked ones, the ghost trembled as the fox pulled him in for a cold hug.

"I'm fine, we're going to be fine Ghostbur." He patted the ghosts back, chills running along his spine.

^^^ Flashback time ^^^

"I'm heading out to gather wood!" He called.

"Okay! Be back before sundown!" A mop of brown hair poked out of the kitchen.

He was visiting his grandfather, who didn't appear to like him very much. I suppose having a permanent furry in the household was awkward.

His uncles never really showed up unless it was Tommy, he was always around Wilbur.

Flicking his ears as he walked with an axe in hand, Fundy hummed a tune his father played for him before bed. A lullaby that calmed him.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..."

He twirled the axe, approaching the nearest tree.

"You make me ha---ppy." He struck the trunk of the tree.

"When skies are grey, you'll never know dear..." He let the tree fall over, moving out of it's path when he struck the same spot on the bark a few more times.

"How much I lover you..." He started to break apart the wood, he picked up on a conversation not that far off. It sounded like uncle Techno and Phil, he put the axe down and quietly sneaked over to eavesdrop.

Completely forgetting the song in favor of listening to words he didn't wish to hear.

"Why do you keep him around?"

"He's my son Techno, he's your brother."

"Yeah but, his wife? He's in love with a fish and has a fox for a son."

"So?" Phil challenged, he left out the part about being married to a fridge.

Techno huffed. "Fine, but please find an excuse to get them out of the house. Fox boy sheds all over."

Fundy felt his blood boil, he doesn't shed that much. And why would his uncle not like him? He's the most interesting person out there, uncle Tommy likes him- so why not Techno?

He bounded away, not sure if they heard him or not. He snatched the axe and the wood before he bolted back into the cottage, snow crunched under his feet as he felt tears threaten to spill over.

He's not weird. He not odd. He's meant to be there. People genuinely enjoy his company- thoughts sprang around his head.

He dropped the wood by the fireplace and sprinted into his room; locking the door and curling up into a ball. He gripped his blue wool blanket holding back sobs.

If he couldn't trust people to think of him kindly, then he'd have to think they don't want him around.

Including Wilbur.

"Ple-please don't t-take... my sunshine a-away..."

^^^ End of Flashback :) ^^^

They sat there for a while, they didn't notice until it was getting late. Nightfall was approaching quickly and hostile mobs would start to spawn, however creepers, zombies, and skeletons usually avoided Ghostbur like the plague. It was odd, maybe they sensed how he shouldn't be there?

"We should go." The fox said hoarsely, coughing a little.

His father nodded, dipping his head. "Would you like some blue?"

Fundy chuckled, "No thank you." The stuff stained e v e r y t h i n g. He couldn't get it off his hands very easily.

The duo started the long trek back to his place, Fundy would have to rest for a while.

The fox leaned into his father's shoulder, maybe things could right themselves.

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