Journal entry 5

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As of now, I find myself in a rather...stuck situation. I'm sitting here in a cave located in the hebra with the entrance in which I came in blocked off by a thick pile of snow. I knew going into the rocky hollow was a bad idea, but what else was I supposed to do with that snow storm roaming outside...

Just when I thought I'd found a safe place to wait it out, a heavy gust of wind had caused the snow at the top of the cave entrance to collapse and seal off the opening.

I've been stuck in here for several hours now.

I am writing this as all of this is taking place, in case these should be my final moments and I do not make it out.

In the time I've been trapped in here, I tried melting the snow with a small campfire I placed near the entrance while trying to dig the snow out of my way - with no use. After my eyes had adjusted to the dim light in the cave (and after my attempts of shoeving free the entrance with my shield had failed), I noticed a narrow path leading deeper into the dim cave. In hopes of it being another exit out of this stoney hollow, I did follow the pathway for a bit. I was met with disappointment when I reached multiple junctions of the path leading in different directions. I dare not risk entering one one of them, afraid that these cave systems are one big labyrinth in which you could easily get lost in. So, I've returned to the main entrance brooding over what to do. I've come up with the idea of using explosives to bust the entrance free, but thus could cause the cave to collapse.

With every second that passes I can feel the chill of panic setting into my body. My mind is filled with thoughts, more than usual. Different voices in my head mumbling and speaking all at the same time. All of them are debating what little choice I had left. There was the tunnel at the other side of the cave, but a strange feeling inside my stomach told me not to even suggest this path. One misstep was all it took for me to get lost and to never see the sun again. I've heard tales of daring cave explorers overestimating their luck and being lost in those cave systems to never be seen again. I don't want this to be my fate.

Besides taking the path I knew, deep down in the back of my head I always had one option left if nothing else would work but-

With the fire beside me I sat on the cold stone floor, with the entrance behind my back sealed and my gaze fixed upon the dark and hollow path in front of me. It was staring back, mocking me as the cold of the cave slowly nipped at my feet. A chill ran down my spine as I came to the slow realisation that there was only one way out.

After I had sat there for a while, paralized staring at the narrow trail, my thoughts became more desperate and blurry. Even though my breath and posture was calm, my entire mind cried out in terror by the idea of entering those dark cave systems.

I didn't want to go, but if I wanted to live I had no other choice.

I slowly collected the items I had brought along and attached them close around my body. Then I hesitantly approached the track going deeper and deeper into the tunnel. With every step I took the darkness enclosed me further. Paranoid of the blackness around me I decided to light a torch and carry it in my hand until I reached the multiple narrows leading deeper into the mountain. The dim light of the flame reflected upon the stone walls, so I was able to see the outlines of the different tunnels. Some of them were just big enough for me to walk straight through, others were quite narrow. So narrow that I would have to lay down on my stomach and crawl in order to even fit through. In total I was faced with ten different pathways.

Which one of them to pick?

Which of those would lead me to safety?

And which would trap me inside it's belly, would trick me into getting lost in those endless tunnels of cold stone, for me to wander in them for all eternity until I would freeze to death.

Diary of the Lost [RevalixOc/BotwxOc]Where stories live. Discover now