A diary

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{Hello, this is my rewritten version of my old fanfiction "The sixth campion". Updates will very likely be slow, but I will try to continue this story as best as possible. Also, I am not English so pls excuse and errors that might happen. Also, I advise you to listen to zelda botw themes while reading to maximise the experience. Enjoy ^^}

"Thank you again for your help, Link." Teba turned to his left to face the blond knight. After the white Rito thanked Link with a slight nod he turned his gaze back up to the Divine Beast Vah Medoh which was soaring the sky once more. Link gave a short sound of agreement, accepting his friend's praise as both individuals stood silently next to one another watching the machine silently soar over Rito village.

Teba has requested assistance for his Divine Beast, for it showed very stubborn and resisting behavior lately. Of course, Link came as soon as possible to aid the new chosen Rito Champion with his Beast. For the white warrior was quite worried when the giant bird-like machine didn't seem to respond to his commands. He feared that after all, he was not worthy of the title 'Champion' and that the Beast refused him as their Pilot. Luckily, as it turned out, some of calamity Ganon's malice still remained within the Divine Beast to cause this malfunction. With the magic of the sheikah slate this little malfunction could be dealt with with ease. It was a simple and quick purge through Medoh's system soon, she was back to normal, now soaring high up in the sky again.

"I truly do not know what I would have done if you hadn't come to my aid..." Teba, with his wings crossed, eyes Vah Medoh with a satisfied and relieved expression. Then, after he'd seen enough of how well the Beast was doing, he walked back inside the small hut of Rito's training ground. Link followed right after him.

"But..." The male Rito started "...I must apologize for having called you from Kakariko village all the way here to our home. I know that you and the princess are terribly busy." the Rito sighed, showing his apologies again.

He seemed a little bit embarrassed of having to call Link all the way from Hyrule to him, just for a problem that was able to be solved in less than five minutes. It was common for Link's fellow Rito friend to show such pride, for Revali, the former Champion of the Rito, always seemed to be Tebas Idol. So, for obvious reasons he wanted to live up to the well known Rito legend and follow in his footsteps. But Link had noticed for a long time now, that all Rito seem to show a special amount of pride, even when they are not as much driven by Revali's legendary title as Teba. It seemed like it was part of their culture and species to show that much dignity, pride and self-conceit from time to time. Surprisingly, the females more than the males.

To the white warriors repeatedly apologies, the blond knight simply shook his head, showing his friend that he didn't mind coming here. After all, Link was a person who enjoyed traveling and moving from place to place. To be honest, the blond knight was truly glad being able to go somewhere else for a change after planning on rebuilding Hyrule in Kakariko village, with the help of the Sheikah. Not that Link disliked the Sheikah nor the hard work that was ahead of him, no. It was simply one of the warrior's desires, traveling through Hyrule again.

"Let me at least invite you to dinner with my family. From what I have heard from the Zora prince, you have a good appetite." The Rito gave away a slight smile, as Link's eyes immediately widened as soon as he heard the word dinner and nodded heavily. With a small amused huff, Teba gave a short nod towards his hylian friend as he headed back to the village.

Nothing has changed ever since Link visited Rito village the last time. It has been months since Zelda and Link had recrewed Teba as the new Rito Champion. On that evening there was a grand celebration to honor the promotion of the white feathered warrior and both Link and Zelda did enjoy that act of festivity. The princess told the blond knight that when Revali was chosen to be the Rito Champion a hundred years ago, that a celebration like this was in order as well. But of course, Link couldn't remember that memory quite well yet. Even though Link had gained most of his experience and memory back, some pieces were still missing. (On top of that, he wasn't quite sure if he even was present at Revali's promotion party. Surely, Revali would have never invited him for that.) Luckily, he had Zelda - his beloved flower - who helped him further to get back all of his lost adventures and forgotten times with his friends.

Diary of the Lost [RevalixOc/BotwxOc]Where stories live. Discover now