Journal entry 4

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Before going to the village I decided to gather and inspect the samples and items I've collected from the Hebras yesterday, including the Blizzrobe's blood. On top of that I am now in possession of an elemental blade. The Frostdagger I've gotten from the fight with the Blizzrobe holds such value that I still can't believe that I'm holding this rare item in my hands. There are only a few adventurers who specialize themselves in seeking out Wizzrobes and killing them for the rods and elemental weapons they provide. And only a view of them sell these weapons, at a costly price.

Oh, what I would give for any sort of fiery weapon. It truly would be of use for my expeditions into this snowy region, but nonetheless...a Frostdagger will have to do for now. It will be useful if I ever happen to revisit Gerudo town or death mountain. Overall, I should be thankful that I even got to own one of these valuable weapons. I might want to craft a sheath for the dagger though...otherwise the blade would freeze everything it touches, and I certainly don't want that to happen. So, for now I just wrapped the small knife in a piece of enchanted cloth, before heading to the Rito's home.

I wanted to see if I were to find the blue Rito male again. Making certain that he was doing fine and got proper treatment for his wing. Besides...I still needed to thank him; despite his unsympathetic character, he did help me out of a dire situation.

The entrance courtyard of the village was a small outpost right outside the actual entrance of the settlement and was used as a defense as well as an arrival center for passersby or visitors. Stable and a warrior's outpost was located in the court all together with a small tavern run by the wagtail Rito family. The court also served as a training ground for Rito to practice their swordsmanship and use of spears. On different times of day, this enclosure would have swarmed of warriors showing off their skills, but by the time I arrived, there was little but no activity. Only some Hylian travelers getting drunk and chatting at the inn and a pair of Ritos guarding the outpost - nothing out of the ordinary.

I proceeded to cross the many suspension bridges leading from stone pillar to stone pillar which would eventually bring me to the center of the village itself. The Rito's home village hangs from the sides of the four giant stone pillars that stretch up from the center of Lake Totori. Airy abodes and shops constructed from lumber are affixed to the side of the column and connected by spiraling staircases. The upward construction of their village is unique to the flight capable Rito, and there are many other aspects of Rito Village that are inconvenient to the other races of Hyrule, so they get few visitors.

When entering the village I honestly didn't know where I'd be able to find the unmistakable blue Rito warrior and whether he'd be found in the center of the Village or lived on one of the three side pillars. On top of that I didn't even know his name...

Walking past the Brazen Beak, located on the fourth pillar, I look inside to see if Falla was there. Perhaps she could advise me where to seek out the Rito I was looking for, but when I shily peeked inside, I was only met with Kihachi, a colorful female Rito bee-eater. Just as Falla, she was a tailor. Both females own the Shop together and seem to be very close friends.

I decided to stroll further into the village in hopes of simply stumbling upon the person of my search or someone who could help me. Perhaps I could ask Harp for assistance. I did see him talk to the small blue bird on occasions and they seem to get along quite well.

Harp is a man of few words. A very patient, gentle and calm person, but reckless at times - so I have heard. Not to forget authoritarian. No wonder, with the skills he bears he does put on a more intimidating posture when necessary. I, for my part, have only talked to him once, but I have heard plenty of his capabilities. His title speaks for himself.

On my way through the village, I wasn't able to find any of the Rito I was looking for. But...I did bump into Turaco...quite literally... I was so focused on my task ahead that I didn't notice where I was going and walked straight into the green Rito.

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