The Timeline Restored

Start from the beginning

He began walking again, leaving you to jog after him. "Daniel wait!" You yelled, "we still have our history project to finish!"

"Come over to my apartment after school! We can talk about it then!" He yelled over the crowd.
When school drew to a close, you laced up your skates and put on your Walkman, playing Go Your Own Way, by Fleetwood Mac.

You skated slowly to Daniel's apartment, letting your thoughts take over themselves. You tried to drown them out with the music, but there was something so unsettling about the way the Cobras and Ali reacted to Johnny's absence.

Before you even knew it, you had arrived at Daniel's, putting on your shoes before bouncing up the stairs. It only took two knocks for Lucille to open the door with a bright smile.

"Hello there! Come on in, Daniel is in his room."

"Thank your Mrs. La- Lucille."

Lucille shook a finger in your face and joked. "You almost called me Mrs. LaRusso!"

"It won't happen again." You laughed.

"It better not!" She shouted with laughter as you headed down the hall.

You knocked on Daniel's door, hearing a soft reply on the other side to come in. Opening the door slowly, you saw Daniel sitting on his bed with a magazine hiding his face.

"Hey, Daniel."


His grip on the magazine tightened, causing you to scrunch up your face in concern.



"Whatcha reading?"

"Oh it's nothing, really just-"

Before he could finish, you pulled the magazine from his hands. You saw panic flash in his features as you crossed your arms across your chest. Sitting before you was a boy that was clearly hiding something. Your evidence continued to pile up when your eyes landed on the sunglasses shielding his fearful stare.

"What's with the glasses, LaRusso?"

"I have a migraine."

"You have a lying problem."

You didn't appreciate all of these secrets. First, it was everyone knowing something about Johnny that you didn't, and then it was this? You simply had enough.

Reaching across the bed, you went straight for Daniel's glasses. Your conspiracy was confirmed when he pulled back, refusing to let you take them off.

"Daniel," you hissed, "take them off."

"Or what?"

"Or I will."

He sighed and gave into defeat. Tongue in cheek, he slowly pulled the glasses off of his face, revealing a large black eye.

Your soul practically left your body. "Daniel!"

"Alright, alright don't get nasty now." He said bitterly.

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