The World Changes

Start from the beginning

When it ends, I open my eyes. 'What?' Sky cries. 'What happened? Where are we?' I notice a sign for the London Underground nearby, saying Greenford.
'This must be our time,' I whisper. 'London's gone.'
'Then Nan and Nana must have changed a fixed point in time.'
'How do you know about that?'
'The Doctor told me about them. I had a quick trip with him before the Detex returned me to Earth.'
'Okay. So, what fixed point in time could have caused this?'
'We don't know anything about the time fissure or what's on the other side. The best thing we can do is walk around and hopefully find someone we can talk to. They might know something.'

Sky's idea seems logical. I look around and find something that looks a lot like a path. 'Let's follow that,' I say. 'It could lead somewhere.'
'So, the world changed around Maria Jackson when the timelines last changed?'
'That's right,' I agree. 'That must've been what happened here.'
'Then how do we get back?'
'I don't know.' I turn around. 'Look!' The Graske is wandering down the path, and we hide behind some boulders.
'He might know something,' Sky says. 'He's certainly going somewhere.'
'But there's nothing here.'
'He could lead us somewhere, and the only way we'll know is if we follow him!' We start tailing the Graske, making sure to keep ourselves hidden.

After a few minutes, the Graske stops at a quarry. 'Humans, stop!' He barks. 'Humans, rest!' I look around the remaining humans, hoping to find someone familiar. Then, I see her.
'That's Gita, Rani's mum,' I whisper. 'It could be that Rani wasn't born in this time.'
'Yes, but that might mean that you don't exist,' Sky whispers back. 'That would have a huge impact on all of history!'

We slowly walk over to Gita. 'Excuse me?' I ask gently.
'No talking. Graske says no talking. Why are you walking free? No one walks free.'
'What is he making you do?' Sky asks.
'We're digging. The world's dead; it fell apart. The Graske made us dig. He won't stop till we tear up the last minerals.'
'Surely you can organise a rebellion?' I ask. 'Where's everyone else?'
'We're the last humans.'
'I'm sorry this happened to you. Um...' I glance at Sky.
'Can you tell us what happened?' Sky asks. 'We want to make things right for humanity, but to do that, we need to know what happened.'
'Everybody knows the legend. It was her!'
'Who's she?' I ask.
'Sarah Jane Smith.'
'What? You're not serious.'
'She handed the world to the Trickster.'
'What did she do?' Sky asks.
'The legend says, years ago, he tricked her. There was a car. Her parents never left in the car, which made a hole in the world, in the Abbot's Gateway. The Trickster walked through The Abbot's Gateway and sucked the life out of the world.'
'Do you know what The Abbot's Gateway is?' I ask.

'Humans! Get back to work. Go!' The Graske yells.

'Sky, can you open up the fissure again?' I ask. 'We need to go through.' Sky nods and opens the fissure. I pass the box to her. 'I'll be as quick as I can.'

The Graske notices the fissure and the box in Sky's hand. 'Give me box!' He yells and lunges for Sky. Sky holds it out of his reach.
'Why are you doing this?' She asks. 'Why are you working for the Trickster.'
'He stole me.'
'What happened?' Sky asks.
The Graske sits down. 'I was stupid. I should have died. Trickster tricked me. I was in a spaceship, burning up.' The Graske then tells us that the Trickster wanted his agreement to keep him alive, and he agreed.
'Do you want to escape? Be free? This box can help. It will hide you from the Trickster's powers so he can no longer affect you.'
'Give it to me.'
'We can help you. If you let me keep the fissure open, Mummy can go back in time and warn Nana, the woman who helped you.'
'When we set time right, you can have the box and escape,' I promise. 'Sky, make sure you do that when time returns to normal.'
'I will, Mummy,' she says. 'I'll stay behind.'
'Will let you open fissure,' the Graske agrees.
I head towards the time fissure. 'The Abbot's Gateway,' I whisper to myself, then turn back to Sky. 'I will put everything right, I promise.' I step through the fissure.

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