She nearly Died.

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The Next Morning.

The sun would peak in through the blinds of my window, my eyes slowly open and I smell the air, my mouth watered and my eyes slowly open, I'd brightly sit up and put on my shorts over my purple bathing suit I'd make my way to the kitchen table and sit down "dad..? You're making pancakes?! You know it's my favourite!" He'd laugh softly and narrow his eyes at me "well of course! You need to eat! And you can't save lives without a proper breakfast!" Cosimo enters the room in his black boxers and tank top, his hair messy and his eyes dull "wow! Thanks dad.. you know I have to go job hunting right?!" I'd snicker and stick my tongue out at cosimo, cosimo would glare at me and just as he was sitting down a stack of pancakes was set in front of me, there was just enough syrup on them with blueberries on the top I'd pick my knife and fork up cutting into the stack, basically stuffing my face, papa would soon enough turn the corner and sniff the air "heyyy...! I smell somethin' good! Luca? Is that you cooking?!" Dad bursts into laughter narrowing his eyes "no, it's the neighbours cat cooking!" Papa would walk past the kitchen table and wrap his arms around dad's waist kissing his nape softly, I'd let out a long sigh resting my chin in my palm "they're so cute.." I'd smile over at Cosimo, Cosimo nodded once and smiled "they are.. aren't they?"

I'd smile brightly and gleam up at the clock and I'd scoff softly, 8:45.. my shift starts at 9:10, I'd stand up, setting my fork and knife down on my plate, I didn't manage to eat the rest of the pancakes but I ate most of them leaving the blueberries on the side "well!... I Gotta go!" Papa winks and points over at me while he has one of his arms wrapped around dad's waist watching him cook "hey! Careful when lifeguarding! There are going to be tons of fakers who just want your attention!" I'd blink a couple times and purse my lips before smiling "no one would look twice at me!" Before papa or dad could say anything different I'd put my red flip flops on and grab onto my old bag that was white and red, the colour of a life tower, I then exit the house grabbing onto my paddle board and I held it underneath my armpit, i then walk down the street towards the town humming softly, The sun was just rising it filled the sky with a deep red flame, setting the clouds ablaze, finally after a short walk I'd make it to the beach and it was heavily crowded already, the waves rolled along the shore in a graceful, gentle rhythm, as if dancing with the sand, I'd walk over to the life guards tower and climb the ladder, I'd then sit down setting my beg beside me I'd lean against the backrest of the wood and cross my legs over one another I'd gleam out at the water ignoring the children and teenagers splashing about the way the warm breeze blew my hair back it felt as if it was Sunday.. and when I was a child Sunday afternoons I would always spend my time in the garden behind my house The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, dad always sat down outside with me and cosimo reading to us on the chair, whenever dad read to us I was in my small peaceful paradise.. the shade of the tree covered us from the sun, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the giant pond a couple feet away from our house, my little flashback was interrupted by a male with dark black hair climbing up the ladder, he had a very sculpted face, a strong jawline, beautiful blue eyes and a rather cute nose, I'd glare at the male and sit up in confusion once the males head popped up in front of me his eyes widened and he glances around "hu-..."

I'd blink a couple times "wrong lifeguard bench?.." I asked slyly and the male sighs softly "yes, I'm so sorry I thought-... gosh i'm sorry." For some strange reason I felt.. sorry for him so I nudged over "hey, it's boring up here alone would you.. like to stay?" The males eyes lit up with delight and he nodded quickly sitting down beside me. I'd chuckle softly and narrow my eyes "so-... what is your name?" He asks, glancing over at me, I'd sigh "Coda, my name is Coda." He'd nod "Felice!" My eyes widened and I'd glare at felice "isn't that a girl's name?" He'd blink and his cheeks heat up "I-.. I mean maybe?..—" I'd scan the water as felice talked I'd sigh softly and my eyes were full of worry felice stopped talking and what he said caught my attention "you're really pretty, y'know?" My palms become sweaty and I'd chuckle weakly "thank you.. what made you come up here anyways?" Felice chuckled and replied "well at first I assumed it was abandoned! Then I bumped into you!" I'd burst into laughter, me and felice were talking for hours, it turns out he went to my school and I just never noticed him he offered me to eat dinner at his fathers house which was very close to the beach, in the town, I told him about myself and how I was adopted and That was something we had in common, we were both adopted! Something or someone floats in the corner of my eye and my eyebrows furrow there was a Young girl, probably the age of 12 was floating out to sea, where many motor boats were, not to mention the extremely dangerous current that would drag her under in seconds, without hesitation I'd stand up and jump off the 8ft tower not even caring about climbing down safely I'd grab onto my paddle board and yell out "HEY!" People who were relaxing on the beach look up and they instantly grow curious of the commotion, the waves were getting bigger and rougher, I heard felice call my name in a state of panic but I'd quickly run into the water with my shorts still on

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