Cant Live Without You

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He smiled so bright and big. Face flushed red. "I-i....heh."

"Thank you." He says quietly.

You nod.

"Hey, c-can I ask you something?" Midoriya asks stopping you in your tracks.


Here he goes.... he is going to ask you


He was having a mental breakdown. He had no idea what you say. Should he just come right out and say he likes you. Or should he ask you on a date and say it then. Should he even tell you at all. Are you interested in anyone... are you interested in him?

"Come on izu we don't have all day. I wanna get back to the dorms so I can show you that show I've been telling you about." You whine swinging his arm a bit.

He shakes his head and chuckling.

Maybe he'll tell you some other time.

"Ahhh right that anime your always talking about. Let's go then. I'll tell you later."

"You sure?" You ask looking up into his eyes. It was something important you could tell.

He hummed shaking his head yes, pulling you to start walking with him.

"Okay. If you say so."

I like you y/n. Why can't I just say that to your face?

End of flashback

There was a loud ringing in your ears and it was so hard to concentrate.

"Y/n. Y/n. Y/n!"

"Huh, yes?" You say jolting a little.

They had you seated in the separate waiting room away from all the news reporters shouting at you about what's happening with your husband. Mirio came and got Izumi and took her over to be with Eri.

"I said we just got your husband stable. Would you like to come and see him now?"

"Yes, yes, I would." You say standing up for where you were seated.

She lead you to the room, which was filled with doctors and nurses. They all cleared out after you came in except for one doctor and recovery girl.

"Hey, um excuse me?"

"Yes?" The doctor asks turning his attention to you.

You where so afraid of what the answer would be but you had to know.

"I-um..." you take a deep breath collecting your thoughts. "What are the chances of his... survival?"

He clears his throat looking over to recovery girl.

Well that's not a good fucking sign

"Oh god, oh god....its that bad!?"

In that moment Ochako comes running in the room. "Y/n..." She runs to your side pulling you into a hug.

As soon as she touched you, you balled out cried. "I-i... I can't lose him Ochako. I don't know wh-what I'd do without him in my life."

"Shhhh, I know. Everything will work itself out. He will make it. It's Deku. He always makes it."

Recovery girl nodded her head at the doctor for him to leave.

Once he left she cleared her throat getting Ochakos attention.

"Right now.... Midoriya has a 30 percent survival rate.... If he lives he could have brain injury and may lead to a permanent disability. Almost no one survived a cardiac shock in the past." She says softly. You look over to izuku. "This will definitely be disabling his ability to continue doing pro hero work or any work for that matter."

Never-ending Love ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat