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A/n: I have slowly been working my way to the smut/lemon Territory of writing to get more comfortable with writing it. So hopefully I will get better at it for you guys. Also in this oneshot Hawks loves Dabi (dabi has no clue) and he left the hero commission for him. Dabi thinks it's because he actually wants to be a villain.

(3rd person pov)

"Hey Dabi I have been meaning to ask you this, I'm just wondering why you hate endeavor so much?" Hawks asked. They were in Dabis room at the LOVs main base. They were the only ones there at the moment. Both of them have come to the conclusion that they are whats called friends with benefits, and Hawks decided to ask this question right after one of their ongoing hook ups. When Dabi isn't as angry as normal and is more open to talking about things.

"Hm? Oh him" Dabi responded laying back on his bed. "He's Just a horrible person I guess, I mean I don't really think you would believe me unless I told you who I was." Dabi said as he closed his eyes debating on telling Hawks his name. "So then what is your actual name then" Hawks looked up at him from his chest. Dabi had his arm wrapped around him as he played with some of Hawks longer feathers. While Hawks laid on his chest with his arm around Dabis torso. Both boys were still naked as they laid there awaiting Dabis answer.

Dabi sighed knowing Hawks was going to find out one way or another so he might as well tell him now. "Alright i'll tell you but if you freak out I swear I will burn you alive" Dabi said finally opening his eyes. "Got it" Hawks said knowing Dabi wasn't kidding. "My name is.. its touya, Touya Todoroki to be exact" Dabi said feeling a bit relived to get that off of his chest. "Well I guess that makes sense considering your powerful fire quirk" Hawks said as he kept his promise to not freak out. "So why did you become a villain then?" He asked as his curiosity got the best of him.

(Traumatizing Flash back time! Brought to you by nezus missing tea set from Class 1-Arson by SpookyScaryAce )

"Dad, Look i can be strong too just look!" Touya pleaded as his father looked at him in disgust. "Not now touya im training shoto!" Endeavor said as he slammed the door in the bow 13 year olds face. "Got it.." Touya said as he turned away trying not to cry. He walked down the hallway of his home to his other brother natsuos room. He knocked of the door a couple times. "Hey- *Hic* natsuo are you i-in there I wanna talk" Touya said trying to hold back tears. The door was quickly opened by his brother natsuo who pulled him inside.

"Hey, hey shh calm down its ok" Natsuo said holding his brother who was now crying into his shirt. "Why *hic* why cant he j-just look at me" Touya asked still crying. "I c-can make stronger flames with-without hurting myself" Touya said still crying as his younger brother held onto him. "I know Touya, he does it to all of us but its more so you and i don't get it, He's just a trashy human who doesn't deserve to be called a hero. I think you would make a far better hero then him" natsuo said kindly.

Even though he was only 8 at the time he understood a lot of what was happening. He understood what his father was doing was wrong. He also understood that his older brother was right, if he could control his flames and not burn himself he could be a hero. Natsuo just wished his father could see that. If his father saw that maybe his brother wouldn't cone crying to him every night.

Touya would train constantly. Everyday sometimes even sneaking out at night to train just to get stronger. Until one day what he saw as a miracle happened. "God damnit that stings!" Touya said as he once again burned himself. "Come on Touya you can do this! Just withstand the pain" he said through tears as his lit his hand a blaze. He put it on a near by tree and let the fire do its work. He started to get control of it, he was now controlling the fire to burn certain areas. "I did it! I can control it! I did it.." he said noticing the fire getting hotter and soon turning a sapphire shade of blue. "My power is connected to my emotions.." he said questioning himself. "Now if i can show dad this he will think I'm worth something again! Take that stupid shoto"  Touya said smiling as he ran down the mountain.

"Dad! Dad!" Touya yelled bursting through the training doors. "Come look hurry!" He said excitedly. "Not now Touya maybe tomorrow!" Endeavor said harshly. "Yeah ok maybe tomorrow" Touya said still keeping a smile on his face. He ran to his bedroom as it was starting to get late at night. He wrote down everything that happened everyday ever since his father started training him at the age of four. This was his 10th journal he wrote everything in. By the time he was done writing it was his bedtime. He went to sleep happy that night knowing his dad would finally think he's worth something after tomorrow.

Touya awoke excitedly as he put on his matching white training outfit.

He ran to the training grounds and took off his jacket not wanting to burn it. He started with just some small flames. He practiced for hours and it was now around noon. He still kept his hopes up waiting for his dad. He trained practicing with his blue fire. It was now surrounding the forest as he waiting for his dad to show up.

It was now dark out as Touya realized his dad wasn't coming. Something in his mind snapped as he realized his father was never planning on coming and it was all his younger brother shotos fault. Consumed by blind rage he lost control of his flames as they grew stronger. He was now crying and yelling while letting flames come from his body slowly burning him. He didn't notice until it was too late because of all the burns he already had. He tried to stop it but was too weak. As he screamed and cried for his dad, nobody came.

Touya Todoroki had died on that mountain that night. Nobody knew until morning and by then the only thing left was ashes from the once forest, a small burnt pice of his once white jacket covered in ash, and a small part of his lower Jaw.

(End of traumatizing flash back brought to you by nezu stealing his space themed tea set back from the 17/18 year old hero in training thirteen also from class 1-Arson)

Dabi laughed at the thought of telling anyone his backstory and yet he just told Hawks. Hawks sat there stunned at what he just heard. "That sounds horrible" Hawks said quietly. "Don't act like you care, you're just some villain wannabe I happen to hook up with" Dabi said coldly. While Dabi was explaining his back story both boys had gotten dressed. "Yeah I know" Hawks said not showing any signs of weakness. "Anyways don't tell anyone or I will kill you. Im going out" Dabi said as he closed his door behind him.

Hawks left Dabis room as he walked to his own. He tried not to cry at Dabis words earlier. He laid on his bed accidentally letting a tear slip. "I guess I should have expected this, he made it pretty clear no feelings involved." Hawks said. That night Hawks went to bed knowing Dabi was right about him. He knew he was just a love sick wannabe villain. He tried not to think about it as he feel asleep.

A/n: I wanted to make this fluff but I guess my mind had other things planned

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