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A/n: Dabi will be a bit ooc for this one, I headcannon that Dabi and Touya have DID. I looked it up just to make sure i didn't make any mistakes but if you have DID and i did make a mistake about it let me know!

Hawks slowly awoke to the sun shining through his window. He got the month off of work due to unknown circumstances well unknown to him. "I can't remember the last time I slept this good" he said yawning. He slowly rose from his bed and picked a shirt up off the ground.

He stood up pulling the shirt over his wings and head. Hawks rubbed his eyes as he walked out of his room down his hallway. He suddenly stopped when he felt another presence. "What is birdy scared?" He heard a deep voice from behind his as he felt a hand on the back of his neck. He felt the hand heat up and he knew who it was.

"Dabi" Hawks mumbled out lowly. He tried to use his wings but Dabi had already thought of that. "Ah ah ah, wouldn't want these precious wings burnt now do we?" He asked in a sadistic tone. Hawks could feel the heat behind him burning his wings but the heat never once actually touched him, Just his feathers.

"What do you want?" Hawks asked coldly. "Oh nothing of importance~" Dabi said as grabbed something from his pocket. Hawks felt something cold around his neck. "What the fuck did you just put on me" He demanded. "Its a quirk canceling collar calm down" Dabi said rolling his eyes.

Dabi grabbed handcuffs from his pocket and hand cuffed his and hawks wrists together. He then pulled out a little remote. "Whats that?" Hawks asked curiously, he wasn't very frightened like he should have been. Being completely honest with himself he had known he had a crush on Dabi for a while now.

"Its something the doctor made for me" as he clicked the button and a portal similar to kurogiris appeared. Dabi yanked Hawks through the portal. He landed on the ground pulling Dabi with him. "Fucking hell" Dabi said pulling Hawks up as he stood up.

Hawks looked around to see a dark but kinda nice apartment. "So uh where are we?" Hawks asked nervously. "Welcome home keigo" Dabi said dragging Hawks down the different hallways. Hawks was stunned at the use of his name but decided it was best to keep his mouth shut.

Dabi kicked in the door of what looked to be a bedroom that hadn't been used. He uncuffed his own wrist and attached the free cuff to a leg of the bed frame. Dabi closed the door and walked over to another door. Hawks curiously looked around as Dabi walked into the bathroom. Dabi left the door open as he took his jacket off and rinsed his hair in the sink. "Soo why am i here?" Hawks asked.

Dabi rolled his eyes as he dried his now white hair off. He walked out of the bathroom to see Hawks wide eyed staring at him. "What?" Dabi asked harshly. "You have white h-hair" Hawks said tripping up his words. "Yeah and?" Dabi asked picking up his jacket. Hawks tilted his head downwards and he looked at the ground. "You look like you have seen a ghost" Dabi said. "Well i feel like i have" Hawks said nervously.

Dabi raised his eyebrow now getting what he met. "Touya Died 11 years ago in that fire and i haven't heard from him since saying he wants his body back. So if you want your boy toy back good luck." Dabi said as he left the room leaving hawks now scared.

It had been a week with Hawks in Dabis care, Dabi sometimes got annoyed and walked away as Hawks wanted to talk to Touya. "Listen! I don't know what the fuck Touya went through i don't remember it at all! All i know is he wanted to die and hasn't said a word since that fucking fire! I miss him too so shut the fuck up!" Dabi yelled getting sick of Hawks questions.

"I thought people with DID hated the other ones" Hawks mumbled quietly. "Yeah well when you live with someone else in you're body you get used to them and start to miss them when they leave. As far as i know Touya could actually be dead." Dabi said leaning on the headboard next to hawks.

"Is this a bad time to tell you i like you?" Hawks asked leaning on Dabi. Dabi looked at him shocked, He soon started laughing. "Yeah a really bad time, but the feelings mutual" Dabi said leaning his head on hawks. "Thats good, at least I wasn't kidnapped by someone who hates me" Hawks said right before he felt Dabi un cuff him from the bed. Dabi wrapped his arms around Hawks and pulled him into his lap. "I find it funny that a hero likes me" Dabi said holding Hawks in place. "I find it funny that you don't want me dead" Hawks said gladly holding onto Dabi.

Hawks leaned into dabi with his arms wrapped around his neck. "I have about two and a half more weeks off of work" he said snuggling into Dabi. "Okay then i guess we have two and a half weeks together" Dabi said still holing onto him.

Dabihawks oneshots pt.2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang