Chapter 7: Mixed feelings

Start from the beginning

Why is my heart hurting so much? I gasped for air and a streak of tears rolled down my cheek again.

Defeated, I turned my body away and walked unsteadily to the lobby to meet Jin.

Just as I walked away, the door of the opposite dorm opened.



I left my dorm, ready to meet Jessica. We have decided to change before I bring her out to adjust her feelings.

Just as I walked to her dorm, I noticed a small figure disappearing down the corridor.

I wonder who could that be...

Anyway, I knocked on her door.

"Jessica! Are you done already?", I hurried her.

The door soon opened and I took a peek inside.

"Quit looking. Your girlfriend has already headed out", Jessica rolled her eyes while telling me that.

Right, Wendy have probably went out with the rest to celebrate In Hyungie's success.

"Oh I see. Nevermind, let us go now", I then held out my arm like a gentleman and allowed Jessica to slip her arm into mine.

"Yeah! Let's forget about the rest and have fun now!", Jessica finally smiled.

It was great seeing her back to her normal cheerful self now.



"WHAT?! Oppa, you've got to be kidding me... Do I look like I'm in the mood to play now?", I gawked at Jin before turning my body away to leave.

"Ani-eyo!", Jin then held onto my wrist.

"I told you that we are here for some fresh air..."

"And how are we going to achieve that?", I stared stupidly at him.

He had brought me to Lotte World, which serves as the perfect place for thrilling entertainment, fun and rides. So, that explained why I was against it.

"I didn't say that we were going on any rides. I only paid for one of its attraction", he rebutted while leading the way.

"JANG!", he trumpeted as he spread his arms out wide when we reached the venue.

I was awed by the sight. It was the ice skating rink he was referring to.

Lotte World Adventure glows fantastically at night with the lights, giving the patrons a feeling of being in a parade. Screams of joy from the rides can be heard at the ice rink and most people have smiles plastered on their face as they skated past me. All of them seems to enjoy skating within the exciting atmosphere and delightful background.

"So, are you on?", Jin nudged me and smiled with his teeth showing.

"Why not?", I finally let out a soft laughter and even proceeded to the counter before him.

"Hey, wait up!", he called out behind me.


"Oppa... Seol ma?", I stared open-mouthed at Jin as he stumbled on the ice with his skates.

"ANI!", he proclaimed but what happened next gave him away. He lost his balance and he fell hard on the ice.

"AISH!", he became frustrated with himself.

"Hahahaha", I was doubled over with laughter and pointed feebly at his state with a shaky finger.

"YAH! Stop laughing at me! Help me up won't you?", Jin bellowed when he noticed people shooting him weird stares.

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