Chapter 1 - Hunting

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Walking through the small city I soon spot the house I'm looking for. The one my pray lives in, the one he tortures and kills in, and the one he will die in. As well as the one I will collect my trophy from. The person I'm after is male who is tall and skinny. 6'2 to be exact. He had some muscle he wasn't entirely bone and flesh. He has gray eyes and black hair. His skin being pale.

His name is Alexander Frost. The people he's kidnapped and killed have only been reported missing as of now. Therefore no one knows of his murderous tendencies. I've been hunting him for a couple weeks now. He has no experience in actual fighting, using surprise attacks with some way to knock out his victims in one hit. Whether that be with chloroform, a hard hit to the head with a heavy object, or a choke hold.

Stepping in front of the door I try the knob only for it not to budge. The dead bolt is probably locked too. Stepping back I lift my leg up and kick the door next to it's handle. Tearing both locks off the door. Swing open it slams against the wall making a loud bang. Walking into the living room I look around for the entrance of the basement, knowing that's most likely where he'll be.

A gun shot rang out, looking twords where the sound came was an open door with stairs leading down. Damnit now I'm running on a clock. As I run to the stairs another one rings out. Someone screams before a third bang sounds. Making it halfway down I hear someone say shit under the screaming the fourth shot going off. The screams stop and I make it down to see my target with three corpses chained to a wall, blood all around them.

One was a girl with red hair, one was a boy with brown hair, the last one bing a boy with black hair. Tapping my cane on the floor I gane Alexander's attention. He turns and points his revolver at me.

Alexander: You couldn't have let me prepare to meet you? God damnit!

???: So how long did you know I was coming for you?

Alexander: Two days. You couldn't have let me have some fun with them? I had-

???: Yes, well that is your own fault.

Dashing to him before he can fire I swing my cane, catching him by the cheek. As he's stunned I sweep his legs and the gun being thrown across the room. He charges me, moving swiftly I swing my cane hitting him in the side. But he didn't stop, that should have broken a few ribs though. Holding my ground, Alexander tries to tackle me. He barely moves me, grabbing him by the sides I pick him up and throw him.

Landing by the far wall in a pile of chains he stays still for a moment. Taking the chance I go for the pistol only to be hit in the side by a chain. Fuck! I think that broke a couple ribs. Pushing through the pain I grab the sidearm and point it at him. Pulling the trigger four times. To bullets are fired my last two trigger pulls only clicking. One bullet grazes him the other misses completely. Dropping the revolver I grab the head of my cane and twist it. Pulling my blade from the body of the cane.

Running to him as he finally gets to his feet I swing at his side. He moves and only gets his clothing cut along with a small one on his skin. Throwing a punch at me, I take it head on not moving in the slightest. I strike at him with a powerful kick getting him in the stomach. Keeling over he lashes out with a hook witch missed me completely.

Just as I thought he barely has any real fighting experience. Taking the opportunity I spear him in the chest with my blade. He grabbed at the steel piercing him, looking up at me in anger. This was a disappointing hunt, not as disappointing as it could have been though. I'll take his revolver as my trophy and get out of here. The cops are probably almost here.

Grabbing the gun I place it in my pocket. Running up the stairs I sheath my blade and book it to the front door. Smashing through it I make it to the street and run to my left to make it to the treeline at the end of the dead end road. Then the pain from getting hit with the chain hit me and I hold my side slowing down just a bit. Making it into the forest I take up a position with my back against a tree, breathing hard and clutching my side I slowly started to relax and slide down the tree. God it hurts quite a bit, well at least it will somewhat sate me.

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