Chapter 8

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Months have gone by since they had last beaten me. I was relieved every night when I was left in my cell to read Alice in wonderland, the book they had given me to read. I had read it about 10 times in the last few months. 

Life was as boring as always. I forced myself to stop thinking about the twins and spend my time learning as much as I could about the new base I was being held in, in hopes of finding a way out. When they let me out of my cell, I was always taken to the same rooms, making it very difficult to learn anything new about the base. 

I was sat watching the birds outside the window whistling a tune to myself when the door to my cell opened, showing a man stood on the other side. My heart started to race, and my breathing grew fast as I pushed myself to the wall making myself as small as I could. I watched him as he stood barely in the light.

"You need to come with me. We're under attack", he commanded. I could hear the gunshots behind him as I tried to get to my feet. All I could think about was how the pattern of gunshot bangs was the same as the ones that killed Wanda and Pietro. I was sure it would be me next.

The Guard was about to walk into the cell when I heard another gunshot behind him, and he fell it the floor. I fell back to the floor, trying to control my breathing as a tall woman looked through the door or my cell. She didn't spot me at first. I was thin and small; she could have easily missed me. She had a shocked look on my face once she spotted me sitting in the corner.  She ran over to me and put her hands on my shoulders to help me calm down, but it just sent me into more panic. She took a step back, realising what was happening.

"Hey, hey, look at me", she said calmly, putting her gun on the floor next to her. I looked at her slowly. Her hair was tied into a bun on the back of her head. Her gentle eyes looked over my scared body. " I'm not going to hurt you, I'm gonna get you out of here to somewhere safe", she continued. "but first we need to get your breathing under control. Can I touch you? " she asked me, looking into my eyes. I nodded my head before feeling her hands on my shoulders. I copied her breathing, calming me down. Finally having a chance to process everything that was happening fully. My heart leapt at the thought of finally getting out of the prison I had been kept in most of my life.

The woman helped me stand up and picked up her gun at the same time. We walked down endless corridors passing by guards led on the floor and other people dressed in a similar outfit to the woman who stood to my left. We walked for about 20 minutes. She shot at everyone she needed to until we finally made it out of the base and into the sunlight.

I squinted my eyes as we stepped into the light. I was used to the small amount of light that shone through the small window in my cell, not this much. she guided me onto what looked like a jet where a man with an eye patch stood watching us walk on. I looked out of the jet to see a group of guards slowly making their way over. I pulled at the bracelets on my wrists so I could help, but it was no use. They wouldn't budge. The man Must have noticed this and walked over to me in a bit of a hurry as the woman watched him.

"They experimented on you, didn't they?" he asked me. I hung my head and nodded. "You have abilities, don't you?" he asked. I looked at him in shock. How did he know about my powers. I nodded to him in response. 

"Director Fury, we are running out of ammo, and they are getting closer," One of them said. So his name was Fury. He took my hand to look at the bracelets on my wrists. Before speaking to me again. "can you stop them?" he asked, looking between the women still on my left and me.

"Fury, you can't be serious?" she asked him. I just stood looking between the two as they argued about the situation. 

"Agent hill, we need this base destroyed. If she can do it, we need her to do it," he said in an assertive voice. he then looked at me again. "Can you do it without the bracelets on. I nodded my head confidently. "Okay then, Agent Jensen, Get these bracelets off this girl fast", He commanded as the man ran to my side to get the bracelets off. I ran through what I was going to do in my head as the Agent took the bracelets off, and I watched the guards getting closer and closer. 

Once the bracelets were off my wrists, I began to walk down the ramp of the jet and into the field the base was set. It had been a while since I had used my powers, so I walked closer to the base to protected everyone in the jet as best I could. I could feel all of the agents on the jet watching me. "I really hope this works," I thought to myself before putting my hands up in front of me. Ice blue swirls started to form in the palm of my hands. I put all my energy into freezing the guards and the building in front of me. The field in front of me was covering ice to match the guards and the building. With the little energy I had left, I threw an energy blast at the guards, breaking them into small pieces. I started to feel dizzy but had to destroy the building, so I took a minute to catch my breath before throwing a big energy blast at the building, making it crumble to the ground. The ground around me shook as the building fell. 

The world around me started to go blurry, and I stumbled around on the spot before falling to the ground myself as everything went black.

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