Chapter 2

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Now I have been at Hydra for a long time. I have grown used to the routine and schedule of the guards and the soldiers that work here. I had been through many different experiments unwillingly. I would be dragged from my cell and strapped to a chair where I would be injected with various other liquids of all different colours. First, it was pink, then green, then blue and then finally black. The only one that worked was the blue one. It had sent a wave of unbearable pain through my body, my blood boiling in my vein's as it pulsed through every inch of my body, causing me to pass out once again. The serum had given me ice abilities; I can shoot ice from my hands, make anything cold instantly and make it snow at will. I had spent the last year figuring out the true extent of my abilities.

My whole time at Hydra, I would see other captives, but they never stayed for long, all of them going through the same experimentation that I did. I just assumed they didn't make it through the experiments or got moved to a different base.

After my training session, where the guards had beaten me for messing up, I was taken to a new cell. I had been too disorientated to notice we had been going a different way until we arrived at the cell. It was slightly bigger than my old one but didn't have a window to let in any natural light. The room was covered in dirt and dust and had one dimly lit bulb hanging from the ceiling of the cell, and instead of a gate to keep me in, this cell had a metal door to keep me from escaping. I had become exhausted from my training so quickly fell asleep when I was forcefully pushed onto the cell floor with the door closing behind me.

I have been in my new cell for what has seemed like a week. Not knowing what time it was or what day it was made me start to get lonely and bored, not seeing people walking back and forth outside the gate of my old cell. To keep myself occupied, I would sing tunes I had made up or had heard on the radio that the guards would listen to at my old cell. They didn't like me singing, and so every day, they had come into my cell and beat me until I couldn't sing anymore. At this point, the floor was covered in a mix of dirt, dust and blood.

I walk up to the sound of my cell door opening. With the bit of strength I had, I managed to push myself into the far corner of the room with a scramble. I was confused. I hadn't been singing or talking; I just thought to myself, "What's happening? What have I done wrong? Are they going to cut me again or beat me? Electrocution? I can't take anymore; I don't have the strength" I sat with tightly closed eyes as I hugged my knees, waiting for the excruciating pain I thought was coming. My breathing had become heavy and fast but quickly went back to normal when I heard the door close and light movement in the room. I got to know that the guards liked the door open when hurting me, the sound of my screams travelled through the base better and the light from the outside on the cell help them see me better than the little light in my cell.

I instantly knew the movement wasn't a guard, and I cautiously looked up from my knees to see two people staring at me in the dim light. I relaxed, letting a sigh of relief out shakily, seeing they were wearing similar outfits to me. They both looked about my age. I could tell just by looking at them that they were shocked by the cut and bruises on my body. The room was silent for a minute; I watched as the girl hid behind the guy, slightly holding one of his hands; she was scared, and so was he, but I could tell he was being strong for her. I guessed they were siblings as they looked very similar.

The silence continued until he spoke up in a slightly shaky voice, he was trying to be brave and confident, but his nerves showed through in his voice.

"I'm Pietro," he said in an accent I didn't recognise. He had light blue eyes and silver hair that glinted slightly in the dim light.

"I'm Luna," I said with my nerves showing I couldn't hide them. My mum had named me when I was born. She had been a big fan of space and had dreamed of the day science could take her to the moon, so she had decided to name me after it instead.

They both sat next to each other on the other side of the room, and I gave them both a small smile. The girl still hadn't said anything or looked at me for more than a couple of seconds, maybe a minute at the most. Pietro was still holding her hand, trying to calm her and stop her from shaking, which I had picked up on pretty quick. He looked at her and then at me.

"This is Wanda, my twin sister," he said with more confidence than last time. So they are twins. I was right; they are siblings. She had dark hair and green eyes that stood out in the light.

I looked at her before moving about a foot closer to her. I stopped when I saw her try to move further away. I knew how she felt, and I knew she needed space.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I said to which she looked at me, and I saw her relax a little bit. I still didn't have much energy, but I needed her to calm down and relax. Panicking and worrying that I would hurt her will only make her time here worse, and I wasn't going to sleep until she was calm.

I looked between the two of them, trying to think of a plan to get them both to relax properly, an idea popped into my head, and I spoke, startling the twins sat Infront of me.

"Can I show you something cool?" I said with a smile on my face looking between them once again.

They looked at each other, then at me, nodding their heads slightly. My smile grew even more as white swirls started to form in the palm of my hands. Wanda and Pietro stared at the swirls, somewhat scared. I threw the swirls at the ceiling and the burst covering the three of us in snow. I watched them as they held their hands out to catch the falling snow looking at it in astonishment.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm in the same situation as you. Panicking and fighting back will only make it worse," I said calmly in almost a whisper.

Wanda let go of her brother's hand and nodded, showing she understood. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I had been holding and lent against the wall closest to me as the last of the snow fell. I got myself as comfortable as I could when a soft voice spoke.

"How can you do that?" the voice spoke, her accent matching her brothers. She wasn't shy or nervous anymore. I looked at her with a small smile on my face.

"They do experiments on me testing different liquids to try to a strong powered person" I saw her face drop as she listened to what I had to say. "All the new people get put through the same thing as I do. I'm sorry," I said sympathetically. Just as I finished, the door to the cell opened, and three guards walked in.

Just as I had grown to know them, they had grown to know me too. I always try to protect the newcomers. I had grown used to the pain and didn't want them to have to go through the same thing. The first of the three guards walked over and grabbed me before I could even try to protect Wanda and Pietro.

I knew instantly knew what was happening, and I looked at the twins. I could see the confusion on their faces as two guards picked them up off the floor.

"Stay calm. It's another experiment," I whispered to both of them, trying to be as quiet as I could. I felt the sting of a slap across my face, and the guard looked deep into my eyes.

"QUIET", he shouted in my face before dragging me out of the cell with Wanda and Pietro close behind.

The Winter Witch - Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now