Chapter 6

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I didn't move much over the next few days as my bruises were painful. Wanda didn't stop apologising for causing my pain. We all wanted to get out more than ever, trying to come up with a plan of escape, but every plan we came up with had holes in that we couldn't fill or would mean us splitting up, which we all decided wasn't an option. 

Wanda's thoughts were really loud today. She blamed herself for what happened the other day. I couldn't let her put herself down for this.

"Wanda, stop, it's not your fault," I said in a weak, tired voice. I hadn't slept much over these last few days, trying to think of an escape plan.

"How did you-?" she questioned.

"Your thoughts are really loud. you know I don't blame you, so why do you blame yourself?" I asked her wanting to get to the bottom of this. I put my hand on her knee to reassure her I wasn't scared of her. she stood up, brushing off my hand.

"I hurt you, Luna!" she said in half yelling voice. She never shouted. Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes as she stood in front of Pietro and me. She avoided eye contact with me, and I felt my heartbreak as I realised how awful she felt about the whole thing. I knew that nothing I could do or say would help her feel better.

I didn't know what to say or do. I just sat in silence, picking at the skin of my fingers. Pietro finally stepped in to help. He stood up and walked over to her placing his hands on her shoulders. she looked up at him, letting the tears fall down her cheeks. 

He spoke to her in a language I didn't understand. I rested my head on the wall to get some rest. They clearly didn't want me to know what they were talking about, so I give them some space by getting the rest that I needed.

My relationship with both of the twins changed dramatically after our last conversation. We didn't talk much anymore, I missed them, but I didn't know what to say to either of them. 

"God, she hated me now," I thought to myself. I didn't know how to fix this. They were the first people to care about me and befriend me, so I wasn't used to having a friendship that needed fixing. I was confused about everything. I wanted to get out more than ever. I couldn't be stuck in this cell with them. not when I didn't know what I had done wrong.

Just then, we heard what sounded like gunshots in the distance. We heard guards running up and down the hallway outside our cell. I looked at the twin, who looked at me in return. The explosions outside were getting closer to the base. We were all thinking the same thing that I was sure of. This could be our escape. We just had to get out of the cell and into the hallway. The ground started to shake more and more as they got closer to us. Pietro knew what was going to happen next before it even happened. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his right side and Wanda on his left. He put his hands on each of our heads, pulling us close to his chest as a small missile took out the cell next to us, taking out the wall of our cell. We had our way out of our cell. 

After that, everything happened so slowly. my ears were ringing from the explosion as Pietro stood up, taking our hands and pulling us out of the cell and down the corridor. We had grown to know our way around the base quite well over the time we had spent here. Pietro navigated his way through the base until a big group of guards meant us. We started fighting them as best we could, but the skills we had been taught were nothing compared to their skills. All of us trying to use our powers, but exhaustion and shock of what was happening prevented me from seeing the blue glow that I missed seeing.

After what felt like hours of trying to escape, I felt three pairs of hands push me to the floor and hold me in place. I wriggled around, trying to escape their grip, but it was no use. one had their knee in my back, making breathing incredibly difficult. I looked up to see Wanda and Pietro in the grips of six guards. Both had concerned faces looking at me directly. My concern for them gave me a burst of energy to try and get free. I felt all of their grips loosen as I got up from the ground, making it a few steps before being tackled to the ground again.

I was shouting at the twins as I show tears form in Pietro's eyes as they tried to get to me as they were dragged around a corner away from me. I kept shouting, getting shouts from them in response.

Though my relationship with them had changed, I still needed them, they were still everything I had, and I felt a responsibility to look after them and keep them safe. I heard their voices getting quieter as they got further away from me. They were slipping away from me as I led defenceless on the floor with guards holding me down. Just as I was feeling them slip away, I could feel myself slipping away as my breathing became more and more difficult.

Suddenly I heard gunshots, and they were close. Just around the corner, Wanda and Pietro had disappeared down. Everything went silent. I stopped fighting back against the guard's tears instantly filling my eyes as I felt my heart sink to my stomach. I waited for a sign that they were still alive, but nothing came. They were gone; I had failed at my job to protect them. I lead there for a few minutes before passing out from lack of oxygen.

When I woke up, I was in a different cell alone. It wasn't a dream; I had lost them, and it was my fault. I leant against a wall and pulled my knees up to my chest, and cried into my knees to muffle the sound of my sobs from the guards. I was alone again.

The Winter Witch - Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now