Chapter 4

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Hi, sorry for not posting in a while. I have been busy. I should be posting a lot more now that I have some free time to write. :))

We were eventually put back in our shared cell, both Wanda and I covered in cuts and bruises. We sat in silence for hours, not used to being so close to each other again. We had spent months in separate cells, and now none of us knew what to do. The guards watching us limited our talking time in these cells, we would get about 2 hours each day where we weren't being observed, and that's when we would talk, and Pietro would check on Wanda and me.

Pietro didn't like the silence or the distance that was between him and us. Wanda has sat about 2 feet away from me, and both of us were at the opposite side of the cell to Pietro. He moved closer, slowly watching our reaction making sure we were okay. I hated seeing Wanda scared that Pietro would hurt her, but I was slightly scared of him too. The only contact we had had with men for the last few months had been abusive.

He sat down about 4 feet in front of us, making sure there was enough distance between him and us. It doesn't take a mind reader to see our fear. I looked over at Wanda as Pietro started to speak calmly.

"I'm not doing to hurt you", he spoke softly, looking between Wanda and me. "I know you're scared, I am so sorry that I didn't do anything to stop what was happening, but your back with me and I won't let anyone hurt you again," he said with confidence in his voice.

When he didn't get a response, the guilt he already felt grew. "I'm your brother", he directed at Wanda, causing her to look at him. "I'm supposed to protect you from things like this, and I failed, but I won't fail again" he then turned to look at me. "I will do the same for you too. I will protect you both with my life," he said, his accent getting stronger with his determination to look after us.

I looked at Wanda, who was already looking at me, and I heard her voice in my head. "Are you ok? You look confused" we would do this a lot when we couldn't actually talk, we would use our telepathy to make sure each other was ok. I replied to her in her mind, "I'm fine, just still not used to people caring about me and wanting to look after me", I said with a small chuckle. At this point, both of us had relaxed a bit which Pietro had noticed and had begun to make his way closer to us slowly. Wanda and I stayed silent as he sat between the two of us. We sat in silence, happy with the progress we had made.

After a few days, we had made more progress, but there was still some tension in the room. I remembered what I used to do after a Panic Attack at home. As I started to sing quietly, they both looked at me.

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I didn't look at them once. I had never sung for anyone before, and I was scared of their reaction.  I'm sure my dad would have heard me when I was with him. After a minute, I looked over at both of them, who had smiles on their faces. I give them a small, shy smile back. Wanda was the first to say something, and I sat in shock at what she said.

"That was beautiful, Luna," she said with a smile. She never called me Luna. It was always Winter. She meant what she was saying, and I didn't know what to do or say. I wasn't used to getting compliments. Part of me thought she was lying.

"Really? the guards would always make me stop when I was by myself. I haven't ever really sung for anyone before," I said with a shy tone to my voice. I looked between the two, nodding heads in front of me.

"Good song choice too. We love that movie," Pietro said to me. A smile grew on my face knowing I hadn't made a fool of myself.

"I used to sing it after I had a panic attack. It would help me calm down, knowing that I will reach a  good place," I said with a half-smile on my face, "but I'm starting to lose hope of ever getting that," I continued in a whisper so they couldn't hear me. I wanted nothing more than to get out of hydra with the twins and live a life where I wasn't trapped in a small, dirty, badly lit room being abused. They didn't deserve this. They had been through so much already, they should be happy finishing school or having normal jobs, but instead, they are stuck with me in a nightmare.

Everything went back to normal over the next few hours, all the remaining tension had completely disappeared, and we talked about our favourite Disney characters and films to try to keep our spirits high.

"Come on, we all know Tangled is the best film and Mushu is the best Character," I said, trying to convince them I was right.

"No," Wanda said, clearly thinking my comment was wrong. "Beauty and the beast is the best film, and Belle is the best character", Wanda responded with a chuckle and smile.

Wanda and I turned this into a small debate trying to convince the other as Pietro watched and laughed at us the whole time.

"Pietro, tell Wanda I'm right," I said to him, still looking at Wanda so I would catch her reaction when I won.

"You're both wrong," he said. I snapped my neck around to look at him. "The Lion King is the best film, and Zazu Is the Character," He said after laughing at my reaction. I tried to convince him I was right, but he was too stubborn, and I knew I wasn't going to win, so I eventually decided to give up, not wanting to wake Wanda, who had grown tired of the debate and had fallen asleep on my shoulder. She looked peaceful as she slept.

Both Wanda and I have nightmares most nights now. We would wake up unable to breathe properly, sweating, and unsure what's happening or where we are. Pietro didn't really sleep anymore. We tried to get him to sleep, but he said he needs to look after us, so he doesn't really sleep. When we have a nightmare, he always calms us down, reassuring us that everything is okay. When he knows we are calm and okay, he lies with us until we fall asleep again. I try to help both him and Wanda as much as I can, I know how scared Wanda sometimes gets with the slight bit of noise outside our cell or when the door opens, and as someone who has been in her position and still is to a certain degree, I know a few tricks that help a lot. And with Pietro, I get him to sleep whenever I can. All he wants to do is help us, but he needs to sleep for him to do that.

These last few months have brought me closer to the twins. My relationship with each twin is slightly different. With Pietro, It's fun. We make jokes, try to annoy each other and Wanda. We are constantly laughing at something one of us has done, but with Wanda, it's more of an emotional connection, our experiences at hydra are similar, so I know how she feels without having to look in her head. We have deep talks about life before hydra and what we want to do if we ever get out. We make jokes and sing a song together now and then.

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