22. It could have been him

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Mentions of sexual harassment, slurs, and attempted murder are talked about in this chapter. If you are not okay with any of this, please do not read this update!! This will be talking obout how Y/N ended up in the hospital and the things that led up to the accident.

Again, if you are uncomfortable with any of these in anyway, please do not read this update.

This is the draft that I have decided to post to continue the story. Seeing as the other may have been quite a bit too much. Again, I am sorry and you are definitely free to skip this!



The three all took a deep breath and walked the the office door, closing it behind them, and making their way down the stairs. Phil and Kristin taking a seat on the sofa while Y/N allowed her beanbag chair to engulf her. Bring a smile two the adults as they got a glimpse of their friend's childlike nature.

"I'm not sure where I should really start... Maybe the reason why the incident happened? " she asked more to herself than them.


"The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?"
--Edgar Allan Poe

"A person can be lonely even if he is loved by many people, because he is still not the "One and Only" to anyone."
--Anne Frank


Y/N sighed quietly as they thought of an easier way to explain everything. Fidgeting slightly with the black and gold bandana they had put on shortly after we walked into the office. 'How do you tell someone something that they already know part of, but also know bearly anything about. WITHOUT LYING! '

"I believe I've told you both a bit of what has been happening recently.. Though I not sure about how much I actually told you." She said while backtracking the old conversation. Tapping her cast bound arm lightly as her mind began wondering.. a bit farther than needed. " I've most definitely said something about the Hamilton brothers down the street. Aand the new animation club that some students had insisted on me starting. Though I probably didn't go into much detail about the situation I've involved myself in. "

Kristin leaned forward and swiftly grabbed her hand. Bringing it into both of her hands while moving her fingers in a circular motion. Trying to calm the girl and make her comfortable. Phil on the other hand was trying to figure out a way to tell Kristin that Y/N was never comfortable with physical contact, unless it was Techno. Though once more, his thoughts were cut off.

"You don't have to tell us anything if you aren't comfortable, okay? We just want to know that you're okay. You could tells us anything you want, only if you want to tell us. "

When Phil looked over to Y/N her face was in a state of shock. Not seeming to have expected Kristin, or anyone, to say that to her.

"W-well if it helps... It wasn't exactly an accident. It was more of a f-failed attempt, really. " Y/N stumbled as she couldn't bring herself to even force a smile. Though her eyes were covered, the two could feel the angry glares that was pointed at fluffy rug, on the wooden floor, in front of her. "People still can't seem to except others for ther oddities and preferences. He was a regular at the cafe, I believe. I-'m not very good at talking with people. Especially if that person continuously makes sexist jokes towards me or one of my students. It fu- It disgusts me. " Pausing shortly before softly removing her hand from Kristin's. Pulling up the sleeve of her shirt to show an old hand shaped bruise and multiple other bruises.

Phil and Kristin's minds began to run seeing their friend with so many bruises and scars. All because of that.... Monster. Monster is one of many things that man could be called. She was 22 and working three job, all the while streaming, and going through health problems. Then that monster had to make his show.

Neither of them understood how someone could do anything like this to a person let alone the girl sitting before them.

"It was around the time I was in a relationship with a girl named Anthony in which he had started to become a regular at the cafe. Now when anyone mentioned Anthony he would scowl but not say anything. Looking back, he probably thought Anthony was my boyfriend. A month or two went by when no one said anything about her, mostly because we broke up, and he just had to ask. It was when a coworker said that my girlfriend and I had broke up is when the harsh slurs and threats started. He'd send multiple threats my way and calling me things. It kept getting worse. I felt so selfish for asking Techno to move in all because I missed him and didn't feel safe anymore. " Y/N's voice cracked as she frantically began to shake. "I d-idn't even consider wh-what he could have done t-to techno. I didn't e-even think twice about Techno could have been hurt all because of my own wants. If I hadn't walked back towards the house, and he didn't see me, then Techno wo-" She broke into a sobbing mess at the horrid images that filled her mind.

Almost feeling the cold air rush ppast her face as she had desperately ran from him. Feeling her legs weaken like when she could no longer hold herself up that night. Hearing the familiar sound of a car as bright lights pointed her way. Bearly able to get out of the way only to feel pain tingling across her body once again. The horrid scream of a witness replaying in her head. Remembering every second that had led to that moment. Though she could not find it in herself to regret walking back to the house that night. If she hadn't... It could have been....

.....Techno. It could have been him instead of her.

The vivid scenes constructing in her mind as voices began to grow loudly. Nothing audible to anyone but her as she held her head in her hands, leaning into her knees as the hot tears ran down her face. Burning her face as she began to hyperventilate.

Kristin kept to the floor. Instinctively bringing the girl into her arms. Phil joining Kristin, wrapping his arms around the two as they both whispered softly to the girl. Being weary on talking too loudly as to not scare her anymore than she already was. Running their finger through her hair and rubbing slow circles into her shoulders and back. Avoiding any type of movement that could possibly startle the girl; feeling as if any burst of unexpected moments may startle her like a loud noise, would a deer.

Slowly. Slowly voices seem to fade into a hazy ringing as air began to feel her lungs in dearly need breaths. Y/n's mind soon becoming blank as she began to register the comforting touches, warmth, and soft whispers. Though her heart still had yet to slow her breathing began to Evan out. Rushes of comfort washing over her as neither of the (older) adults pushed her away or called her fit childish.

They stayed there for what felt like seconds but was really hours. Only realizing when four pairs of arms wrapped around them. Soon being joined by one more.

"Everything will be okay little calf. You're here now, not there. You're home and with those who love you, nothing they said is true. It's okay little calf. " A deep soft voice soothed as Y/N began to feel tired. The ringing no longer there as she allowed everyone's warmth to wrap around her as she let Techno's voice lull her to sleep.


I'm really sorry. The other draft was far worse than this and it didn't sit well to post that one.

The next update will be nothing like this one and will be back to the normal cheerful vibe!

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