Chapter 2 - Meeting the Peters

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I told Brady to run back to the car and drive home, and being the good boy he is he listened. He rushed straight out the door and ran to the car. I heard him start the car and drive away. I looked back towards Barry and Trevor, Barry was still thrashing around on the floor. I groaned loudly and took a step towards my brother, going to help Trevor hold him down when I thought of an idea. "Barry!" I yelled. Barry stopped thrashing against Trevor and looked at me.

He frowned at me and started to shift back. I sighed loudly and Trevor let him go. He got up and looked at me sadly. I went up to hug him and he hugged me back. Trevor coughed to get our attention and we looked at him. "Okay so to recap, you guys are werewolves, what just happened to Barry is what will happen every time you shift until you can control it. The more you shift, the more control you gain. Barry, when you shifted what happened?" He asked Barry. Barry shrugged and looked down.

"I got extremely mad, then all I saw was red, literally. I started getting really agitated then all I wanted to do was rip someone's throat out." He explained. My eyes widened and I looked toward Trevor.

"Is that going to happen to me? Because if that does I don't want to hurt anyone." I said sadly. He nodded and looked at the both of us.

"Yeah Harley, that's gonna happen to you. But when it does make sure you are near either Barry or I. If not just run as far as you can. Preferably into the forest or something." He explained. I sighed and sat on the floor. My life has just changed drastically and I could potentially become a murderer, just what every teenage girl wants to hear! "Well am I different? Because whenever I yell at Barry he listens to me. Can Barry or even you do that?" I asked. Trevor nodded.

"I can do that, Barry can't because it's a trait that alphas have, it's how they control their pack and Barry is in your pack, judging by how he reacts when you yell at him. The pack members have to listen to the alpha, it's the laws of nature. Which means you are the alpha over your pack, which would be just you and Barry, unless you guys want to join me?" He asked. I looked at Barry and he looked doubtful.

"Look it's nothing personal but we hardly know you, we don't trust you. Until we can, we can't join your pack. Gosh I never thought I would have to say those words." I said. Trevor nodded, then cracked a smile at my last comment.

"Well that's all I can help you guys with until Harley shifts. So get out." He said. I groaned. Just as we start to get along he has to say something and wreck it.


Barry and I headed home after we left Trevor's, but not before the boys exchanged numbers in case we needed him. Once we got home we headed to our rooms to wrap our heads around what had happened to us. After an hour of thinking I heard a tap on my window. It's dark outside so I can hardly see anything when I looked out. The only thing I could see was orange eyes in the distant.

My breathing started getting shaky as I tapped on the wall that separated my brothers room and mine. I heard him groan and get up as I fell to the floor and curled up in a ball. My brother walked in and looked around the room. He walked to where I am and quickly picked me up and placed me on the bed. He started the play with my hair, something he always did to calm me down. My breathing started to slow down and I sat up a bit and looked at my brother. "The thing that bit us, he was outside." I said. Barry froze and looked out the window. His eyes took in the surroundings and when he is happy with it, he looked back at me.

"Whatever was there is gone now. Don't worry." He said. But I do worry, all night I worried. I didn't sleep an ounce that night and when my alarm went off in the morning, I shut it off and got up. After last night I felt like a shell, like I was just floating. My head not really focusing on anything and just not paying attention to anything. I felt like that all day. I felt like that when I got to school. I felt like that when I left school. I even felt that when I told my brother I was going for a walk because next thing I knew I was in the middle of the woods and standing alone.

I looked around and saw I was in the forest next to my school. "Well looks like I've gotten myself in a little situation." I muttered to myself. I heard a crack from behind me and I turned around and came face to face, or more like face to chest since he was so tall, with a man. He looked a lot like Trevor so I think he is his brother. He was smiling very brightly at me and I looked at him confused. "Err hi there." I said awkwardly. The man started laughing and picked up my hand and started to shake it.

"Hello there little one. It's lovely to meet you, my brother has told me so much about you, Harley." He said.

I freeze when he said my name and I looked him in the eyes. His eyes suddenly flashed orange and I stumbled backwards away from him. "You! You're the one who made me this, this thing!" I yelled. I suddenly felt extremely angry at this man, not frightened like he had made me feel on our past encounters. I could feel myself shaking and suddenly I was a grey wolf, like a full on grey wolf. I howled to the sky and growled at the stranger. He smiled at me and turned to run. I pounced on him and just as I am about to rip his head off I felt two people pull me back.

I turned my head and saw that Trevor and Barry were pulling me off the guy. I growled at them and shifted back to my human form. But it turned out my clothes ripped when I turned into a wolf because I was sitting buck naked on the forest floor. Trevor ripped off his jacked and gave it to me and I blushed. All three males turned around and I slipped the jacket on. Because of how tall he was, the jacket came down to my mid thigh so I was completely covered. I coughed to let them know they could turn around and they did. "Well bye."

The man said and ran away. I went to chase him but Trevor pulled me back. I growled at him but he didn't let me go. "What the hell I almost had him!" I yelled at Trevor. He just shook his head and pulled Barry and I towards his house. "Was he your brother? Have you been telling him about my brother and I?!" I yell, and he looked around and shrugged.

"He wanted to know how you guys were going, so as a his brother I told him." He explained.

"HOW WE WERE?! IT'S HIS FAULT" I yelled. I growled at him and I went to go rip his throat out but Barry held me back. After a few minutes of that I stopped and sighed. "You are pathetic." I said, glaring at Trevor. He shifted uncomfortably under my stare and I walked off. Barry followed me and soon enough we were outside the reserve.


Glass was scattered all around my room in broken shards when I finished my rage fit. Barry was standing in the door frame watching me throw picture frames, vases and anything I could get my hands on all around the room. I looked around the room and spotted my brother looking at me with a frown. "What!?" I yelled at him. He just shook his head and walked over to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door way. He turned my head towards the room and I finally realized what I was doing. I sunk to the floor and pulled my knees up to my head. Barry sat next to me and rubbed my back as I cried.

I cried for a long time and Barry just sat next to me, trying to calm me down. I stopped crying after a while and just sat there. Barry stood up and started to clean my room. I just watched him clean from my spot on the floor, thinking about Trevor and how much of a douche canoe he was. "Why would he do that?" I spoke up. He looked over to me and frowned.

"I don't know sis, I don't know..."


Chapter 2! Its been a week since I first posted and I just can't wait for this to be up :) Enjoy!

Children of the Moon |Werewolf Teen Fiction|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang