Chapter 25: Wrath's Flame

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●●●●● Akuma's Pov ●●●●●

He was pissed off. At first the incident at lunch had been chalked up to just some gossip. That it had no base and the other teens were just being stupid. Even Ocean had decided that was merely all it was but as Akuma sat in his final class it was obvious that wasn't the case.

"No I swear! Rika said she heard that he dyes his hair to get more girls!" An annoying voice invaded his ears and he had to stop the growl that threatened to leave his mouth. "Aw but I think his hair is natural! Wouldn't it be so cool if it was natural like Ayato-sama's? At least River and Ayato seem to be close so if you can't get him you can grab a Sakamaki!~☆" Another voice squealed excitedly much to Akuma's dismay.

Ever since lunch people had been talking about his brothers and him. Most of them were ridiculous rumors about how they ended up at the Sakamaki mansion but some of them....

"Who cares about that? I heard River is a whore and fucks more than Laito-sama does!"

Some of them made him want to burn down the entire school.

"If anyone is a whore it's the oldest one! I saw him and Shu-san go to the music room. I bet he's trying to fuck his way into being rich!~" Another annoying voice filled the air and that was it.

How dare they. How dare these wretched humans talk about his family in such a way.  Akuma stood up and practically stormed over to the stupid humans who dared say such atrocious things.

He slammed his hand down on the desk in front of them, angry red eyes practically glowing with hatred.

"Haven't you heard of only speaking if you have nice things to say?! Keep my brother's names out of your pathetic mouths or I'll make sure you'll be unable to speak for the rest of your fucking lives!" He growled out, uncaring of how the room seemed to be silent now.

Somewhere in the background the stupid teacher was screaming at him but he couldn't hear it over the rush of his blood. He was furious. Humans never changed. Anger consumed his being and he found himself trembling as he attempted to hold back the flames that were begging to help.

"Akuma. Reiji said to hurry up." A deep voice quickly broke through the rage and Akuma snapped his head to look at the owner.

Subaru stood behind him with an annoyed look, holding both of their bags. His eyes, however, flashed with an emotion Akuma didn't recognize for just a moment.

The younger boy was silent for a minute before snatching his bag rather harshly out of the other's hand and storming out of the room with said vampire right on his heels.

He didn't see Subaru flip off the gossip group as he left. He didn't see the shocked look on the humans faces as they processed the fact that Subaru Sakamaki helped someone.

All he could focus on was the need to make sure his family was okay. 

He'd burn the world to the ground if it meant keeping them safe from such cruel beings as humans.


"Get out of the way already, Oreo! Kumaaaaa!!!~☆ Why didn't you tell me you covered your eye to be edgier than Subaru?~" River's loud voice carried over the group of students outside. Most of his brothers and the Sakamakis already waiting by the limo.

The scowl on the youngest Kaneko's face only deepened as he stomped over. "Why don't you tell me why you dyed your hair to get more girls?" He practically growled and River frowned for just a moment before bouncing back to his mischievous self.  "Oh? These rumors really are getting out of hand. Next they will be saying Ocean has red hair because he ate red beans once."

Akuma rolled his eyes and quickly scanned the area, growling as he realized Taito, Yuuto, and their toys were no where to be seen.

"Relax. They are on their way now. Apparently detention was canceled today due to a faculty meeting." Ocean's gentle voice spoke up and red eyes glanced at the oldest boy. Instantly, Akuma noticed a difference from how Ocean had been acting in the morning. That familiar look was back and he was continuously looking towards the door. The comment's must have him on edge.

It's too much like that place.

Only a few more minutes passed before the twin's walked out of the building. River was the first to notice and tense up, Ocean following immediately after. Akuma furrowed his eyebrows as he watched their reaction before gazing at the twins.

Kanato and Laito were being dragged along by a very angry Yuuto. Taito following behind them with his own look of rage. To put it simply, the twins looked like they were going to throw themselves into a rampage.

As soon as they were close enough, Yuuto's grip loosened ever so slightly on his two toys and Taito instantly wrapped his arms around Laito's waist, glaring at every single human that stared at them.

"What happened?" Ocean's voice was suddenly cold, teal eyes flashing with anger. Anger that quickly spread to River and Akuma.

Their beloved twins had been hurt by someone.

"Someone is going to die. They touched our toys. They said our toys were scared of us. They said Taito was cursed." Yuuto whispered the words, rose-pink eyes flashing with fury.

"These people.... They speak like they know everything. They speak like they know you. Like you belong to them. I hate them. I hate them. I HATE THEM! I'll turn them into the worst toys imaginable and set them ablaze for saying such things about my precious toys. I'll kill them all. Their pathetic ashes will be washed into nothing and their existence will cease for their crimes." He continued to murmur the words quietly and Akuma could only watch as his grip tightened around his toy's wrists once more.

"Everyone get in the car. Now. We are going home and getting the sorted out immediately." River spoke seriously, already pushing a confused Ayato into the limo. Akuma didn't need to be told twice and quickly followed behind.

The ride home was silent, the anger radiating off of the five brothers was practically palpable.

For once Yui didn't throw a fit over his brothers taking up the Sakamaki's attention. Instead she sat quietly and Akuma couldn't decide whether he liked or hated her silence more.


1,100 words.

I apologize for the long wait once again. It seems updates will, unfortunately, have to be restricted until once a week as I now only have one day off. I also apologize for the short chapter. I figured it was better to get something out rather then sit on it another week and make you all wait more.

Thank you all for your kind words and interest in my story! We are finally coming up to the first "arc"! I still have so many things planned so please keep anticipating new chapters.

Thank you all for 6k reads by the way! Seriously this is more than I ever thought I'd get! Your support and comments mean the world to me!

~ KQ♡

Element Of Surprise [Diabolik Lovers Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora