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                                                                                                  R18 straight ahead!!!!!
           You have been warned !!!!!


Time passed slowly. It was too hard to move and she was constantly wrapped in darkness.

Alternately, she felt differently calloused hands holding her own.

Sometimes a crisp refreshing smell would fill her nostrils, other times minty notes of another smell tingled her nose,but the most times an earthy and rainy smell would envelop her.

Every time she was wrapped in the well known smell, she could feel the saltyness of tears and their weight crashing down on her body ,be it her hand or her blanket.

The big old baby ,who almost bathed her in tears should have been Asnee. He was not budging from her side .

But who where the other two persons?

What was happening?

Lots of questions attacked her psyche, but she was too unconcentrated to remember anything.

Just like that, time passed even slower. After an eternity ,she could feel the points of her fingers again.

She put her whole being into moving her fingers but some restrained sobs came from the distance distracting her.

The sobs got even louder and louder and were more diverse, accompanied by wails and whines and sniffs.

The sounds overwhelmed her, indicating that she was in a large room with extraordinary acoustics.

A trembling voice stood above all the others voices. "The God's Sent, Cleo, the blessing and savior of the people, will have an official Egyptian ceremony prepared with utmost respect and care here and in each other village under her leadership. Best mummifier in Thebes will come and prepare her for her journey..........As for her resting place....... "

The voice's words blended with the cries of the people, stopping her from hearing anymore than that. With utmost urgency, she concentrated on the words mummifier ,ceremony , resting...... She was not dead, was she ?

With new powers she not only moved her fingers ,but rose her upper body as fast as a bolt from the comfortable polished box out of wood. Her every muscle screamed in pain as if they were moving unnaturally.

"What in the world is happening here?!"

Before her was a mass of people,all from the village filling up the emergency hall she ordered to be built an year ago.

The people ,on their knees, with red faces filled with grief fell silent as a grave. Their eyes pinned her down as if she was a ghost.

The silence was brocken by a snotty face crying out loud " She lives!!!!!" ,to which the silence turned into a thunderlike roar more powerful than any reaction a gladiator match would ever cause.

From the side she was pulled into a bear hug by no other than the Asnee,who was drenched in tears and groups of children and women surrounded her, lightly touching her back or the box she was in for confirmation.

She touched almost each of the children's cheek or patted their head and gave hugs to the nervous women, wrapping her arms a second longer around Nala and Asnee's wife.

"Everyone settle down and calm yourselves." Equipped with two clinging children around her neck,she inquired. " Can anybody explain what I am witnessing ? Why is noone working?"

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