𝟕~𝐋𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝

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This morning you had to stay until late to clean around the school, and this time you were assigned to do it with Koichi. You were glad that you got him to help you, after all, the school was huge and you doubted that you had enough energy for that. Besides, he was patient and nice to be around with, so you would have no problems.

While you wiped a window, you looked down at the school gates and spotted Yukako standing there. She was most likely waiting for Koichi, since they were always seen together and everything. You admired her persistence... Has she been there all this time?

Suddenly, her purple eyes focused on you and a scowl was formed on her face. You gulped and decided to go somewhere else before her gaze melted the window you were trying to clean.

"Are you alright, (y/n)?"

You looked at your side and smiled nervously at Koichi.

"I guess? Your girlfriend is giving me the chills."

"Ah..." He brushed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry for that! She can get a little possessive sometimes..."

"In a scale from 1 to 10, how high are the chances that she decides to beat me up as soon as I get out of here?"

"O-oh no, she wouldn't go that far!"

"Are you sure...?"

"Yeah! She is in a good mood today!"

"Oh well... I sure hope so..."

After more exhausting hours of scrubbing dick doodles from the desks, you were finally ready to go. You approached the gates next to Koichi, but suddenly he turned around:

"Man I forgot my notebook in the classroom! I'll be right back!" He yelled out and ran back towards the classroom, not even giving you a chance to stop him.

You froze. Yukako was drilling holes on your skull yet again, waiting for you to come closer. Hopefully Koichi was right and she would let you go, so you speed-walked past her and-


You were aggressively pulled back by a strand of... Hair...? That's right, a mass of black hair was wrapped around your ankle, pinning you to the ground. Desperatedly, you tried to rip it off your body, but it was surprisingly strong! You looked up at the girl and boy, was she ANGRY.

"Who do you think you are?!" She spat, curling another rope of hair around you, this time on your throat.

"G-gah! Let me go!" You gasped, kicking the air pitifully.

"You are ridiculous! You think I can't see what you're doing?"

She lowered you so you were staring straight into her eyes, tightening her grip and adding a rope of hair around your stomach, squeezing it until it made you want to throw up.

You had no idea what you were supposed to do in this situation! Unless Kokichi returned soon to calm down his chick's nerves, all you could do was to try not to die.

"Never get close to Koichi ever again! Or else, I'll make sure you never-"

"Excuse me, can you put the girl down?"

Yukako barely glanced at the man, she simply shot a tentacle of hair towards him, not expecting that he would dodge. Her hair ended up curling around a pole.

"This is none of your business!" She growled and aimed for the stranger again.

"Killer Queen has already touched that pole."

Just like that, the pole exploded to bits, sending both you and Yukako away with the impact. You coughed and tried lifting yourself off the ground, only to be helped up by the same man.

"Are you okay?" His silky voice asked, fingers resting under your scraped chin.

"I'll survive..." You coughed once more, looking at the fallen female. "T-thank you..."

"No problem, dear..." He inspected your figure once more and let out a disapproving hum. "You do have some minor bruises here and there... Allow me to patch them up for you." He begun to lead you away from the scene, but you turned around at the sound of Koichi's scream.

"Leave them be, they'll be fine." The man reassured you, helping you walk until you reached a near drugstore.

He quickly fetched some cotton pads, a specific ointment and a box of hello kitty band-aids. You giggled at his choice and noticed he smirked in return, heading towards the cashier.

"W-wait, you don't need to do that! Like you said, those are minor bruises!"

"We wouldn't want a minor bruise to get infected, though. Would we?"

"Hm no, but..."

"Please, it will be a pleasure." He waited for the cashier to scan every item and added a chocolate bar from the counter to the pile.

As soon as he paid for the objects, the blonde carefully dabbed a wet cotton pad across your small wounds and hummed a familiar tune.

"Are you singing "Killer Queen"?" You muttered.

He looked up at you and smiled.

"It's one of my favorites."

"That reminds me... What happened back there...?"

"What do you mean, dear?"

"Like... You literally blew her up!"

"How could I have blown her up? Maybe the pole had an issue or something similiar... I am as confused as you are. How could her hair move that way?"

"Pfft, I have no idea... This keeps getting more and more confusing..."

He took your hand in his and sighed at the scraped skin on your palm. It was a shame that such pretty hands had to be injured like this... But he had to admit. Blood looked good on you.

His index and middle finger slid around the wounded area, deep blue eyes entranced by how your digits slightly twitched in pain. Your awkward cough snapped him out of it and he pressed the cotton pad onto you. He heard you hissing while he applied the ointment and softly apologized, not even realizing how hot his chiseled cheeks were getting. As a final touch, a pink square shaped band-aid was tenderly put on your wound.

"Thanks again... We keep bumping onto each other..." You chuckled.

"What a lovely coincidence, right?" He looked into your (e/c) eyes and let go of your hand.

"Can I know your name?"

A chocolate bar was placed in your palm and you blinked in confusion, looking up at him.

"Just a little treat. Have a good day, (y/n), I hope to see you around."

With a final smile, the man disappeared behind a corner and you wondered how he knew what was your favorite chocolate. You noticed you still didn't have a name, so you shoved the sweet into your pocket and headed back home before Rohan told the cops you were missing.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 ~ [Josuke x Reader x Okuyasu]Where stories live. Discover now