Chapter 12

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We quickly walk along the sidewalk, not having the slightest clue where to go. But then Sam gets a phone call.

"Shit! Okay, listen. Pack a bag and take the boys," Sam says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Karli called Sarah and threatened her and my nephews," Sam explains, pulling the phone back up to his ear, "Okay, go somewhere safe. Only use cash. Let me know when you get there...I know, I love you. I would never let anything happen to you and the boys, you know that...Alright, bye."

Sam looks down at his phone, "Karli wants to meet alone. She sent a contact number."

"You're not going alone," Bucky says sternly.

We quickly find a place to change into our uniforms before going to the address Karli sent. We walk into a little courtyard area, scanning the surrounding buildings and their balconies for any sign of Karli.

"KARLI!" Sam yells. And finally that fiery red hair peeks out from one of the balcony pillars. We immediately walk up the steps and approach her slowly. Sam being the one in front, while Bucky and I stay behind.

"You called my sister?" Sam says angrily.

"Sam, I would never hurt her. I just want to understand you better...I see you didn't come alone," she says, looking at Bucky and I.

Sam continues, "You have to end this now."

"I don't want to hurt you. You're just a tool in the regime that I'm looking to destroy. You aren't hiding behind a shield. If I killed you, it would be meaningless," Karli says.

Sam turns and looks at us briefly.

"I was going to ask you to do me, or the world, a favor. And let me go," Karli pleads.

"Karli," I say, stepping forward, "I know you don't want to hurt people. But because of your actions, many people are getting hurt. I've hurt people before too, and one day it will catch up with you. It will ruin you. Drive you crazy. And I don't want to see that happen to you."

Her face lowers a bit, as if what I'm saying to her is working. But suddenly, Sharon's voice comes over the comm, "Hey guys, the new Cap is moving. Looks like he found 'em. Or maybe they found him."

Sam shoots his head around to us, "It's Walker."

Immediately, Bucky and I jump off the balcony to go try to deal with him, but of course, Karli is ready to make a run for it. She jumps right off the balcony, shoving me into Bucky and into the side of the building. We fall to the ground and groan out in pain.

Sam manages to kick Karli down, while Bucky and I get up. "I'll send you the location. Go!" Sam Instructs.

Both Bucky and I take off running down the street to go find Walker.

"I really fucking hate that guy!" I shout as we run. He really does ruin everything.

"Me too!" he yells.

"Sam sent the location. Let's go!" I say, glancing at the control pad on my wrist.

It's just around the corner, so we get there and head inside. Running up the stairs, not exactly sure where to go. But as we're sprinting up the stairs, I'm body-slammed by one of Flag Smashers. He wraps his arms around my neck and tries to choke me, but Bucky quickly grabs the guy's arm with his vibranium one, twisting it around. He then kicks him in the center of his chest, knocking him back down the stairs. But the guy won't be down for long, so Bucky swings over the railing and walks over to the super soldier. He then lifts his foot and kicks him back into a brick wall.

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