Chapter 1

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The screams. The mind-shattering, blood-wrenching screams. 

Every night I wake up from hearing them. The screams of the other men and women being tortured by Hydra. The other Widow children screaming as they are drug away from their families. I can even hear my own screaming... From the nights, like tonight, when I wake up thrashing and crying in my bed. 

Every single time, it's the same dream. The same feeling, as if I'm reliving my worst nightmare. My body feels like it's on fire. The sensation of the serum burning my insides as it courses through my veins.

Wake up, Brianna.

Wake up.


My eyes shoot open as my body shoots up out of bed, my lungs panting for air. My body and sheets covered in my own sweat and tears.

"It was just a dream, Brianna... Just a dream," I repeat to myself, trying to slow my breathing. I sit there for a few more minutes trying to snap back to reality before getting up. It's barely sunrise, but I'm already awake, so there's no point in trying to get anymore sleep.

I look around the kitchen in my apartment and realize I have zero food, so I guess it's time to go get some stuff. But first, I make a pot of coffee and change into some jeans, a plain tee paired with my leather jacket, and some boots before heading to the market.

I get to the market and browse through the various fruits and vegetables, picking out some I like. Once I've paid and placed them all in a brown paper sack, I head back to my Brooklyn apartment.

On my walk back, my phone starts to ring. I smile at who it is when I dig my phone out of my pocket.

"Hey Pep," I say with a smile.

"Hey honey," She replies back kindly, "Morgan, come say hi to your sister!"

I hear muffled sounds through my end of the call as Pepper hands the phone to Morgan.

"Bri! What are you doing?" Morgan exclaims.

"Just got done getting some food. What are you up to, little miss?" I reply back with a smile. My smile slightly fades when I remember Tony used to call her that...

"I miss you," she says through the phone.

"We both do," Pepper says back with worry in her voice. My heart aches... because I miss them too. But I just need some time... To figure things out. To figure myself out.

"I know. I miss you both too," I say, trying to hold it together. They're the only family I've ever known. The only family I have left.

"Just come live with us at the cabin. I know you're lonely in that apartment," Pepper pleads.

"Pep..." I say with an unsure tone, stopping in my tracks. It's not that I don't want to be around them or don't love them. It's just that I need to figure things out for myself, and I definitely wouldn't want Morgan witnessing one of my nightmares. "I just don't think I'm ready yet. Ever since...everything...I've been having nightmares again, and I don't want you all to have to deal with that. And before you say anything, I know you don't mind,'s just something I need to work out on my own."

"I understand, sweetie... Well, just know that we love you," she replies.

I smile to myself and begin walking again. "I love y-"

I'm cut off mid-sentence when somebody runs into me, knocking everything out of my hands.

"Shit!" I exclaim, looking down at my phone and the food I bought on the ground. "Watch where you're going, asshole-"

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