Chapter 8

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We go downstairs to the party, and it sure was a party, alright. Open bar. DJ. Dancing. Flashing lights. Not usually my kind of setting, but Sharon said to blend in. So I head straight to the bar, separating myself from the guys for a few minutes.

"What can I get ya?" The bartender asks.

"Gin and tonic," I say. I look over at Bucky and Sam on the other side of the bar, scanning the party. My eyes stay glued to Bucky. God, he looks good. His cheek bones and jaw look like they were carved by gods. His eyes are the perfect shade of blue, making me almost dizzy every time I look into them. And damn, that leather jacket he always wears accentuates his biceps perfectly.

I can't figure out why I'm so drawn to him. There's just something about him that makes me feel...something. I've never allowed myself to have these kind of feelings before. I've always been to busy keeping my guard up, afraid of getting hurt more than I already have. But Bucky makes me want to let those walls down.

I'm snapped back to reality when the bartender brings me my drink the drink. I reach in my small purse and pour in a small amount of Asgardian liquor in my drink. Thank you, Thor. I usually save this for when I absolutely need it, and tonight is one of those nights. All we're doing tonight is scoping out the place, and Sam and Bucky can handle that. We were invited to a party, so I'm going to do just that.

I sit in silence for a few minutes before a guy next to me speaks up, "Never seen you here before," he says.

"I'm new to Madripoor," I say as I take a drink from my glass. I wince a tiny bit because damn, I forgot how strong that Asgardian shit is.

"Well you sure do make a good impression," he says with a flashy smile.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I ask, turning to look at him.

"Got a lot of eyes on you tonight," he says.

I huff out a laugh before taking another drink, "And that's a good thing?"

"Of course...Is he your boyfriend or something?" The guy asks.


He laughs, "The guy you walked in with. The one you've been staring at the entire time you've been sitting here."

Knowing he's talking about Bucky, I laugh, "No. He's not. And for the record, I was not staring."

But the thought of him being boyfriend made my heart race. Being his. I guarantee he would be a great boyfriend, but like I've said before, he deserves better than someone like me.

"He's staring at us down right now, like he wants to kill me for even talking to you," the guy laughs. I start to turn my head, but he stops me, "Don't look. Let's just see how jealous he gets...Dance with me?"

"I don't know..." I laugh.

"Come on. You only live once, you know?" He says. I laugh at the irony of that saying. Given that billions of people basically died and came back to life just a few months ago.

"You know, I think that saying kind of lost its meaning when half the universe died and came back to life 5 years later," I point out.

"Okay, well, what I'm saying is, you won't know if you never try," he says, urging me to dance with him to make Bucky jealous.

I'm playing a dangerous game here, but something in me is telling me to do it. Maybe it's the liquor. Or maybe I'm curious to see how jealous Bucky will get over me dancing with some stranger...It's definitely a combination of the two.

I contemplate for a moment before agreeing. We walk out to the dance floor and start dancing. Thanks to the Red Room, I learned how to dance for some of the missions I was sent a teenager. The things I was exposed to at such a young age are disgraceful, but it's in the past. I keep trying to tell myself that, but it never really helps.

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