"These are not normal circumstances, got it." I finish his sentence.

  "Precisely. I hope you don't mind that I did it without asking but.... I instructed Melissa to set up a FaceTime call with said governors. Who knows, maybe you'll find a qualified VP during it."

  God I hope so.

  I sit up. That is the first time I've ever thought that set of words together. I do not believe in god, and I don't hope for things often. This job really is rubbing off on me.

  "Carlos- oh, hi." I looked up to see some White House intern wheeling a 100 inch flatscreen into the Oval Office, the only one big enough to display each Governor's face clearly.

  "Remember these people are fucking vultures. Don't take the bait. I've dealt with them enough these past thirteen years to know that they'll do anything to make themselves look better. I'd argue that they're worse than members of congress.... No offense."

  "None taken. I am not in congress anymore."

  "Well technically.... Never mind. Not important." Carlos shakes his head. "They should all be on within ten minutes."

  His prediction proves accurate.

  Only three minutes later, enough of them are on that we can begin.

  "Governors- thank you for being here on such short notice. I know you must have busy lives but.... We are living in critical times. My team asked you to put up your senate nominations so we can push through nominations for the department of defense, homeland security, the FBI, and so many other critical government agencies. Without true heads of these agencies, there is so much funding we cannot access that we need to keep our country running, especially now. Funding that the acting heads of those agencies can only partially release. Hell, we can't hold special nationwide elections for the House of Representatives without funding from homeland security. I have only one question. Can I count on all of you to help me get this done and get those senate nominees up here?"

  The response is hesitant- since nobody wants to talk over each other, until the governor of New York( who endorsed me during my congressional run) speaks.

  "Well I can't speak for my colleagues-" he says. "But you always have and always will have my support, especially in rebuilding the government. I will do what I can to make this effort easier."

  "Thank you, Governor."

  "I'm with him." The Republican Governor of Tennessee says. "This should be a bipartisan effort no matter how different our political beliefs may be, Madam President. I will do everything in my power to ensure that happens. Have you looked at my nominees yet?"

  "I'm sorry Governor- I can't say I've had the time to go over the list."

  "Well if you recall- Tennessee has...... had one Republican and one Democratic Senator before the bombing. I know some of my colleagues from my own party have tried to use this as an opportunity to widen the Republican majority in the senate, but I do not believe this is the time for political bullshi- crap. I do not care if me saying this gets me kicked from my own party but I have nominated one Republican- the mayor of Nashville, and the progressive communications director for  senator Bryan- Anthony Breyer."

A tiny smile spreads across my lips. I knew his name would come up again. He was just too good at being an intern to stay one forever, or to stay in a job he hated forever. The last time we spoke- two days after election night, he told me he wanted to make a difference in the world. I'm not sure if this is what he meant, but nevertheless it's an opportunity to do so and get his name out there in the process.

"Thank you so much Governor. I do hope that your party will follow you as an example and not try to kick you from it-" the door opens once again, this time Agent Wei and Jane Bowers let themselves in. "Excuse me but I have to go. We'll be in touch?"

"Of Course." The Governor of California says. "Goodbye, Madam President."

I smile and close out of the feed, turning to my new visitors. Carlos stands silently off to the side.

"Ms.Bowers- it is an honor to finally meet you. Though I wish it were under different circumstances....." I sigh.

"As do I. I'll make this quick. Would you like to hear something meh or the good news first?"

"I'll start with meh. What's up?"

"One of my agents- Alex Higgins, has been acting so strange these past few hours. It's almost as if.... She knows something but won't say what it is. I think she thinks she's managed to fly under my radar but... she's forgotten how good I am at reading people."

"Okay-" I nod. "I want her down here as soon as possible. If she won't talk to you maybe she'll tell me."

"Consider it already done, Madam President." The deputy Director replies. "We believe....... That we've identified the organization responsible for building the bombs."

I freeze. I always knew that it would have been a more sophisticated effort, that one person committing such an atrocity alone just wasn't possible. If I'm being honest, I just didn't expect to find out who so soon.

"This organization-" I clear my throat. "How do they operate?"

I tuck my hair behind my ears, shift the way I'm standing so she can tell I'm listening to every word, and lean forward.

"Walk with me and I'll tell you."

Madam President ✓Where stories live. Discover now