SE 1: EP 20 ― Nothing Personal [1]

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"It was already built into my encryption. I never changed it, but it's fitting. It's where I met Mike Peterson. It's where this whole S.H.I.E.L.D. roller coaster started. Plus, tactically, what do you look for in a job site?" Skye asked.

"Public place, lots of people, multiple exits," Grant said.

"Exactly. I figured if I ever got in trouble, I'd be safe there." Skye said.

"Smart thinking. But, don't worry, Skye. You'll be plenty safe." Audrey said. Grant nodded his head, and Skye smiled at Audrey. She knew Audrey would do whatever it took to protect the both of them, but Skye's heart broke for Audrey because she knows how much Audrey loves Grant and how crushing all of this has to be for her. Grant walked up to Audrey and reached behind her back, and grabbed her gun.

"I know you too well, Rey. You won't need this." Grant said as he removed the clip.

"What's the matter? You know I'm always prepared in case a situation turns hostile." Audrey said.

"In this situation, the last thing we can afford is to get pinched on a concealed weapons charge," Grant said. As much as she hated to admit it, Grant was right. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been labeled a terrorist organization, and all of them are technically fugitives.

"I hate when you're right," Audrey said, which made Grant laugh.

"Hey..." Grant said as he walked closer to Audrey, and he let his voice get softer. "We're going to be okay. I promise, until this thing is over, I'm not gonna let you out of my sight." Grant said as he snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her close. Audrey put a smile on her face.

"Lucky for me, then, huh?" She said. Grant chuckled and pulled her to his chest. Skye walked behind Grant and looked at Audrey, and she could see the pain in her eyes. Audrey subtly nodded her head but disguised it as if she was burying herself deeper into Grant's arms. Skye nodded back at her.

She knew they would make it through this.


The rest of the team found Agent Koenig's body, and Simmons did a quick autopsy and concluded that Ward did this. They saw on the satellite feed that Audrey, Skye, and Ward all left together. Coulson knew that Audrey was in control of the situation, she was playing Ward like Ward played them, and he figured if Skye was there, then Audrey had to bring her along so that Ward wouldn't know Audrey was onto him. But Fitz didn't handle the news too well, he started throwing things around, and Coulson walked over to him.

"Okay! Okay! We need to hold it together. Listen, all that anger, all that pain, you need to hold it in and focus it on Skye and Audrey. They're alive, and Audrey just walked out of here hand-in-hand with someone she now knows is a murderer because she's playing him, just like he played us. Fitz... Fitz, we have to fix the communications. We have to track that plane. Can you do that? Good... I know Audrey, she has a plan, and she will keep herself and Skye safe, and we're going to find them before Ward figures out that plan." Coulson said. Fitz-Simmons walked off, and Trip shook his head.

"Come on, Audrey... what's your plan?"


"I can't remember the last time I sat in a restaurant," Skye said as she was leading Grant and Audrey to the diner. Audrey knew that Skye had a plan, and Skye knew that Audrey would keep them safe no matter what. Even though Audrey didn't know all the details of Skye's plan, but she trusted her, and she knew that they would make it out of this.

"I know. It's been all tubes, tunnels, and plane food." Grant said.

"Maybe I will get pie for dessert," Skye said.

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