Author note from 2 am cravings

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HEY GUYS! I know you love this story, but unfortunately I have to put it on hold. I have carpal tunnel syndrome. For those who don't know what that is, it's a nerve disorder that limits how much you can do with your hands and fingers. It causes numbness and pin in your hands fingers and lower arms. At times it's very painful for me to type. My doctor told me to lay off the typing, but I decided to finish possessed and 2 am cravings before I stop. Unfortunately it's gotten so bad to the point where my hands become numb and they begin to spasm. I had to even shorten the ending of possessed because it hurt so bad. I am sorry but I will be taking a 60 day break from typing (unless I'm texting lol). It sucks I know, but my health comes before anything and I hope you all understand.


Possessed (Adult 18+)Where stories live. Discover now