Gold Stars

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By ExtremeSaucity

"Ally! Stay still," Austin muttered as he pulled another gold star sticker off her cheek.

"Ouch!" Ally whined as she scrunched up her nose in displeasure. "It feels pinchy!" A hand flew up to her cheek to rub the spot where the sticker had pulled at her hairs.

Austin rolled his eyes. "Hey, you're the one who stuck those gold stars all over your face," he snorted.

She sighed and continued swinging her legs back and forth from her seat on the counter of Sonic Boom. And then she brightened up at him. "But guess how many I got today!"

He gave her a look. "There's no way you counted all those stars. Or kept track of them. There must be, like, a million on you right now. At least," he smirked with a raised eyebrow.

She giggled at his teasing but stopped when he peeled another one off her arm. "Hey!" she pouted, cradling her arm. "You ruined the Big Dipper constellation on my arm!"

Austin shook his head but couldn't stop the grin that made its way onto his face. "You're ridiculous," he snickered fondly as he added it to the pile accumulating on the counter next to them.

"You're right, though," she said sheepishly. She realized the easy joke and quickly tacked on, "Not the part about me being ridiculous."

He gave her an inquisitive look and grabbed her hand, starting to pull off all the stars on her wrist as he held it gently. "Right about what, then?" he murmured, trying to ignore how small and soft her hand felt so he could focus on picking at all the little stars.

She watched as he yanked away another one and gently rubbed his thumb over the pink mark left behind. "I lost count after 547 stars," she answered, looking even more sheepish.

Austin's finger strayed over a gold star and he looked up at her with an incredulous grin. "You are insane."

"I know." She smiled so wide, it made her nose crinkle in the cutest fashion and he shook his head again.

There was still a star near the corner of her forehead and one more on her other cheek, but he hadn't the heart to pull those off just yet. "God, you're adorable," he laughed as he pulled another one from her elbow and threw it into the pile.

She blushed at the compliment, mildly annoyed that she still wasn't quite used to how easily he gave them to her. "Thanks," she said softly.

He shot her another grin before gently taking her arm and turning it over, examining the limb for any stars that he might have missed. "Okay, other arm."

Ally rolled her eyes but obediently stuck out her other star-covered limb anyway. "You know, you don't have to do this," she said lightly as his calloused fingers circled around her wrist delicately.

Austin blinked and his other hand paused on its way to picking at a star on her upper arm. "Um. Do you want me to stop?" he asked as he eyed her.

She hesitated. "Well, no..." she admitted, blushing as he raised an eyebrow at her response. "It's just... um, I feel kinda bad if you're just standing there, pulling off the stickers for me..."

He reached for her neck and smirked when her eyes widened and her breathing stilled. "Oh, trust me. I don't mind," he chuckled as his fingers grazed the skin of her neck briefly before he ripped off another star.

"Ow!" she hissed, hand flying up to rub the spot on her neck. She glared at him. "You just like torturing me, don't you?" she accused through narrowed eyes.

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