ROT!🧡🐢||Cheery Boy

Start from the beginning


Mikey gulped deeply. "I-I see. Could you tell me more?" He knew where this was going.

"Well... he's just.. so sweet and so cheerful!" You gushed "I just want to tell him how I feel but everytime I try, I end up chickening out." You admitted "What should I do, Doctor?"

Mikey clenched his fist behind his back so hard he could feel his nails digging through his skin "Have you tried making a love letter?" He suggested.

You titled your head "A love letter?"

"Yeah!" He nodded trying his best to swallow the large lump in his throat. He needed to concentrate. "It gives the person time to react you know? S-Sometimes... confessions are hard towards the receiver and they need time to process that kind of stuff before progressing to a relationship." He said.

You tapped your chin in thought. It does make sense. And it didn't seem like a bad idea either!

"I'll do it!" Mikey clapped his hands and slid a piece of paper and a pencil on your desk.

You took the pencil and paper from his hand. Mikey's breath hitched when he felt your fingers brush against his. For a split second, he found himself trapped in a euphoric sensation.

"Alright! I hope this goes well!" You nodded at your own adorable pep talk and started to get to work.

Mikey stared at you longingly. He looked at the way your hair would gently frame your face while you wrote. He looked at the way your lips would tug upwards in that oh so charming smile he loves. He looked at the way you blushed as you wrote down each letter on the paper. He looked at you as if you were the only thing in the room. And honestly, you might as well be.

He wanted to keep looking at you. He wanted you to stay in this room. He wanted this image of you burned into his mind forever.

But he knew he couldn't. You weren't his to keep. You were Leo's not Mikey's.

"It's ready!" You cheered. Holding up the letter that contained your love. Mikey bit his cheek, he couldn't see what you wrote but it didn't hurt any less knowing that it contained a piece of your heart.

Something that can never be his.

You looked down with red cheeks with the paper close to your chest "S-So... I would just go and give this to the person I like?" You shyly asked. Oh god.

Mikey's vision started to blur. He gave you his best close eyed smile to prevent his eyes from tearing up. "Mhm!" He didn't trust himself to speak. He could feel his smile twitch and quiver. He knew if he dared open his mouth for just a second, his whole form would break.

You looked down on your paper with a small blush "Dr. Feelings? Do you think he'll... accept it? Like would he accept me?" You asked bashfully.

"Y-Yeah!" Mikey's pained expression was starting to break through when a single tear manage to escape. "Y-You're totally o-one of the most awesome person I've ever m-met! I-I'm sure it will all turn out well." His breath was starting to shake too "I wish you the b-best of luck! I hope you are happy with t-the person you..." He couldn't do it. Mikey was mentally beating himself up for not finishing his sentence. A couple of more tears fell down his cheeks.

His expression made you very worried "Mikey? Are you okay?" You placed your hand on his shoulder.


"Don't worry, t-these are happy tears! I'm just imagining you and your p-partner together! You'd made such a cute couple!!" He falsely smiled

His comment made your face heat up. You removed your hand from his shoulder, once again fiddling with your letter for Leo.

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