Chapter 1-The Announcment

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“Students calm down, calm down!” Yelled out Mr. Chong, the music director at Four Nations High, as he pinned the new flyers to the bulletin board, students surrounded him, to see what it was.

“What’s all the commotion?” Mai asked Azula, walking up to see what all the noise was.

“You haven’t heard?” She replied.

“Obviously not.”

“Mr. Chong is posting flyers for an event, rumor has it that it’s for the annual Battle of the Bands.”

“That battle of the what?” Mai questioned.

“The Battle of the Bands. The school holds it annually. It’s huge, everyone looks forward to it every year. They didn’t have it last year since the district didn’t fund it or whatever. It’s really popular, so I don’t see what the issue was.”

“How does it work? Is it just like a talent show?”

“Oh no. It’s far beyond that. A group with a minimum of like 2 people signs up, and you sing in front of an audience with judges. The winner is determined bracket style. At the end, there is a huge show, and the winners get a different huge prize every year. But it takes nearly a month just to get there with practices, and the different parts of the brackets going, and all that.”

“Are you signing up?”

“Of course!”

“You and what group?”

“I was thinking about getting the old band back together. You, me, and Ty Lee. What do you think?”

“What did Ty Lee say?”

“She was ecstatic.”

“Maybe. But what would we call ourselves?”

“Possibly Ozai’s Angels. My father would be our manager obviously, so yeah.”

“Okay, it’s kind of catchy. But this isn’t a yes, it’s a maybe.”

“There you go kids.” Mr. Chong finished posting the new flyers. As it turned out, it was for the Battle of the Bands. The kids swarmed around the bulletin and pulled out most of the flyers in seconds, including Azula’s older brother and Mai’s boyfriend, Zuko. He was a junior, and they were both sophomores.

When the crowd dispersed, and Azula left. Mai picked up a flyer and shoved it in her backpack. Then she ran to catch up with Zuko.

“Zuko! Wait up!” She yelled down the hall. He turned back.

“Mai? Where’d you come from?” He replied as she caught up.

“The bulletin.”

“Hey I just came from there, how come I didn’t see you?”

“You were probably in the front, I was in the back talking to Azula. She wants to restart our old band so we can enter.”

“Yeah, that’s right you guys had a band. You sang lead if I can recall?”

“Yup. I don’t know if I’m gonna do it though. You know how manipulative Azula can be, no offense.”

“None taken, I’ve experienced that. I understand. You know, you can join me and my friends’ band if you want. We’ve been looking for a lead singer. We don’t have one right now, we’ve kinda just been taking turns singing lead for our gigs. There are specific songs that one of us sings, but other than that, we’re in need of a lead.” He offered kindly.

“I might be interested in that, but Azula would totally freak.” 

The bell rang in the background, making them both late for class.

Four Nations High-Battle of the BandsWhere stories live. Discover now