➼ where our home will stand

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how will i ever know if
she's mad,
she's annoyed,
she hates me,
and she's bothered
if i never got to talk to her?

she's beautiful,
she's in fact gorgeous,
she has a life so beautiful,
she has nice grades,
she has nice hair.

she wished for something,
she got it.
she is so loved, so loved.
she is kind, and
she is gorgeous.

she ignores me,
she doesn't reply, and
she is someone i miss now.

she knows nothing about
something i haven't told her yet.
she doesn't know my heart
spells an angel in its ventricles.
she doesn't know or
she knows
she's important to me.

she's mad,
she's annoyed,
she hates me,
and she's bothered,
but all the talks we ever had
will be just something i thought about
where our home will stand.


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