Of course, there had been some exceptions to the rule. My aunt and both my uncles, for example. And one of my mother's former ladies-in-waiting—Claudia Mercer—was also one of the few who was barred from attending.

For our safety (and my parents' peace of mind), guards had been posted at every entrance to the castle with strict instructions to warn my parents of any unwanted guests. I wanted to believe that none of them would be stupid enough to show up out of the blue, but the truth was, I didn't know what they might do.

My hands clenched into fists as I recalled the heartbroken look on my mother's face, the tears in her dark-blue eyes. Holding back tears, she'd listened to Claudia confess how she'd been working with Aunt Naia and my uncles. Using the Lost Soul Pendant, they'd gone from city to city, forcing innocent people to submit.

Once they'd gathered enough souls, they'd use their power to take over the respective realms. They'd already taken Nepptheas, and were well on their way to taking over Aquireth. A hand on my arm jolted me out of the memory, the anger and pain that had resurfaced.

I looked up at blurry amber eyes, attached to a face lined with concern. Nadia Lightwood, who'd been one of my only friends during my stints at Rosewood Manor, was one of the first to be instated here in the palace. She'd also recently been installed as my lady-in-waiting, a position both of us were thrilled about.

Let me back up and give you a little backstory on Rosewood Manor. My grandfather was the infamous 'Tiger Shark', responsible for the deaths of hundreds of mermaids and mermen. He'd been killing all those people to gain enough souls to take over all the realms. He blackmailed my mom into staying there in exchange for her help in 'covering up' the evidence. I shuddered as the memories washed over me.

"It's time for breakfast, my lady. The kitchen staff have been up for hours preparing. The kitchen and dining room smell heavenly." Nadia offered me her arm as she finished speaking.

I grinned at her as I took it, my stomach growling. A small smile found its way onto my face as I envisioned the beautiful dress and mask awaiting me. During our short swim to the dining room, I stored the worry, anxiety, and stress in the very back of my heart, where they couldn't get to me.

We'd all been through so much lately. All of us—especially Mom and Dad—deserved to have a night off, to just have fun for a change. Indeed, the whole palace was abuzz with chatter. It seemed everyone was excited about the upcoming ball.

As soon as I sat down, a cup of tea was placed in front of me, along with a steaming plate of shrimp. I looked up into the unfamiliar brown eyes of a servant. I nodded gratefully and he bowed before swimming back into the kitchen.

The smile that had been on my face faltered as I recalled the ominous note that was currently stuffed in my beside table.  I tried to make conversation, but my mind kept wandering to tonight. Who would be waiting for me? Would they be one of Aunt Naia's henchmen?

I quickly finished breakfast, my hands shaking as I rose from the table. Mom caught my eyes, concern in her own. The sudden urge to pull them aside and confess everything was almost overwhelming. A shaky smile appeared on my face as I waved her off, inclining my head toward the open water.

That was actually not a bad idea. Maybe a swim was just what I needed to clear my head. As I swam out of the palace, I felt my heart calm. Grateful to have a few minutes to myself, I took a leisurely swim. Of course, I could tell Nadia was a few paces behind me, but I think she knew I needed to be alone.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Before I realized it, the sun had set. My whole body thrummed with nervous excitement as Nadia helped me dress. She'd complimented the dress and mask, but said nothing further.

As I swam into the ballroom, music floated through the room, inviting everyone to dance. Almost immediately, I was approached by a merman wearing a black dress shirt and matching mask. It all but concealed his obsidian eyes. He took my hand, bowing as he gently brushed a kiss over my knuckles.

Though I tried not to react, a shiver ran through me at the contact. I gasped softly as I felt his lips inches from my ear. "So nice to finally meet you in person. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot more of each other."

Before I could even try to formulate a response, he took my hand and began to dance. My heart was slamming against my chest, much like it had in the dream. I was on autopilot, but he didn't seem to notice. Finally, the song ended. It took everything in me not to flinch as he took his mask off, revealing night-dark hair, copper skin, and those obsidian eyes. "My name is Kai Talbot. Until next time, your Highness."

My chest constricted as he swam away, causing my breathing to become erratic. I quickly dragged a smile on my face as Mom and Dad swam up to me. "Have fun?" Dad asked. His dark-green eyes sparkled in a way I'd never seen before. I managed a weak nod.

We swam back to our suite in silence. Mom and Dad occasionally asked a question about the ball, to which I gave a vague answer. When I finally arrived in my room, I stripped my dress off and swam into the bathing room. I scrubbed myself until my body stung, but I welcomed the pain.

I put on a sleeping gown and swam into bed. As exhausted as I was, I couldn't help but replay my encounter with Kai over and over. Eventually, exhaustion took over, dragging me deeper into the darkness until I finally surrendered.

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