Chapter 12: I Turned My Backfoot

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12. I Turned My Backfoot

I headed to my locker first thing Monday morning. I was running on three hours of sleep because Valeria and I were FaceTiming all night. I shut my locker and turned, and at once spotted Spencer walking down the hall. He gave me a smile and jokingly mouthed the words 'you look terrible' while acting them out. Shrugging, I gave him a tired smile and a wave, to which he chuckled and kept moving.

"Little early morning flirting huh?"

I jumped, startled by Val's sudden voice.

"Goodness gracious Val, can you be quieter?" I groaned as she and Chase approached me.

"You're tired, not hungover," she chuckled, before extending her arm. "Here, I thought I'd get you coffee to make up for last night."

"How are you so functional?" I muttered, accepting her kind gesture.

"I'm a morning person Leslie Shay," she grinned, making me roll my eyes.

"Well I'm not," I said and leaned onto Chase's side. He only chuckled and put his arms around me.

"Anyway, back to your flirting."

I sipped my coffee. "That was not flirting, that was just saying hi."

"Does he know that?" Chase snickered.

I stood up straight and rolled my eyes again. "I'm not doing this with either of you."

Val linked her arms with mine and Chase's and pulled us along as she walked down the hall. "So I heard you two got into a fight on Saturday. Leslie, who did you hit?"

"First period hasn't even started and yet stories are spreading, unbelievable," I muttered. "And I didn't hit anyone, Chase didn't give me the pleasure."

"Hey I did that for your own good," he said.

I know he did. Even though punching that asshole would have been satisfying I would have felt bad for breaking my promise to my father and he knew that.


The three of us stopped when the girl from the party approached us. I got a clearer view of her. She was pretty, with silky dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and perfectly framed glasses that shielded her brown eyes.

"Oh hey," I said.

"Dhanishka," she introduced. "Dhani."

"Leslie," I said.

"Oh I know," she chuckled, before turning to my friends. "Valeria, Chase."

"Hi," Chase said.

"I wanted to say thanks...for Saturday night. I was too tipsy to do anything. I saw what happened after, sorry about that."

I shrugged. "Oh you know me, I help people and get in trouble because of it. It's my line of specialty."

Dhani chuckled. "And so I've heard. I'm a fan."

I smirked slightly. "Good."

"Good," she smiled.

Val cleared her throat, reminding me that they were both there.

"Um...thanks again," Dhani said. "You too Chase. I'll see you guys around."

"See you," I responded.

She walked away and Val nudged me.

"Okay, her too?"

I rose an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

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