38. How It Feels Like

Start from the beginning

"Don't get that look on your face. I'm happy for you and I will support everything you want. I love you and Your happiness comes first." Tony said, in his most sincerely voice. Stiles tightens his grip on Tony.

"Can anyone tell me why Desart Wolf attacked Stiles in first place?" Bruce asks, whole room gave him a look for ruining the moment. They're wishing they have gave him a com too, so he would have listened.

Pepper, MJ and may also don't know why attack happened and they also now looked interested. Sam told everyone to sit first before starting explaining everything.

Stiles sat on one couch in middle of Bucky and Tony. Pepper was on Tony's right and Issac on hand rest of couch with Pepper.

Other couch was occupied by Peter, MJ and May. Then Steve, Sam, Natasha and Bruce on one then Thor with Clint and Phil.

"First I want to know why Pepper was with you guys in school?" Tony asks, looking at Pepper.

"I called her to get Stiles home after Mr. Harington told us to." MJ answers in place of Pepper.

"And why that?" Phil asks. Stiles sighs and started to tell.

"We ware preparing for upcoming quize in library with whole team. We took a break and Mr. Harington decided to play riddles so we can bind becouse not all of us get along with eachother. He divided us in two teams and I was with the boy Flash....he don't like me much, only Ned was with me but he was sitting on other corner. Then we started playing....and I....woke up in nurse's office after that." Stiles told. He avoided saying he don't remember.

Bucky's hold tightens around him and whole room looks at him with conserne.

"You don't remember.....what happened." Steve asks. Stiles slowly nods. Tony grips Stiles's hand.

They automatically looked at Issac, Peter and MJ for answer. Issac started becouse he was the first to notice what happened.

"When teacher started asking riddles Stiles's heartbeat started increasing. At first he looked uncomfortable and then he closed his eyes and gripped his desk too hard. After that he started answering every riddle before anyone else can." At this point everyone knew that Stiles was having a flash about nogitsune. "When his team won and Mr. Harington complimented him....he just sat there..... not reacting. That's when I knew something was wrong I need to do something but before I can move Flash started saying things to Stiles but he still didn't respond. Peter shouted at him to stay away from Stiles but he grabbed Stiles's shoulder."

"What is that kids problem?" Phil asks, irritated by his behaviour. Peter answers before he can think.

"Actually he never liked me. When Stiles and Issac became my friend he thought they were cool and tried to make them his friends but Stiles denied. It got to his ego and he just hate Stiles since." Peter said.

Every adult in the room looks angry, Stiles have his head in his free hand. Issac and MJ were trying not to laugh.

"So, he's your bully." Steve asks, with clanched teeth. Peter realise his mistake and tried to shake his head. Everyone know how much Steve hates bullies.

"Issac. Tell is what happened after that?" Bucky inturupted. Issac's mood dimmed. Stiles was also somewhere want to listen becouse he don't remember that part.

"As soon as Flash touched Stiles's shoulder he lashed out. He screamed, grabbed his wrist and threw him away...then he was about to attack him but I somehow hold him back, he was getting out of my grip and Peter also had to hold him. He was screaming on us to let him go like he was in some where else. Then finally he calmed down but he wasn't responsive so we took him to nurse's where he passed out, becouse of adrenaline crash and woke up after ten minutes. But he didn't remember what happened. Mr. Harington came with Flash and us to call our perents to pick us from school." Issac ended.

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