The Visitor After

Start from the beginning


"We're a hit." And though her eyes were closed she knew he was grinning.

"Well that's no surprise, since the moment I got involved I knew you were going to be big."

"Well yeah, but we thought it would take a while to build up a following. I didn't think we'd be packed from the moment our doors opened."

"George you've spent almost two years building a following here at Hogwarts. Plus your products are good enough that I think even if you hadn't it would have only been a matter of time."

"You really think so?"

"I do." She said sincerely.

He chuckled "aw stone your making me blush."

She mentally rolled her eyes. "I'm sure. How about the flat? Are you guys liking it there?"

"It's weird if I'm honest. All my life I've never had a room of my own. Fred and I grew up practically on top of each other, so even though it's not that big, it feels that way to me."

"Do you think I could come and stay a weekend or something over the summer?"

Georges mood shifted from happy and content, to something Lyra couldn't quite pin point. Disappointment? Embarrassment? She sat up out of his arms and turned to look at him.

"What's wrong?"

George looked away, blush tinting his cheeks. "W-well, I guess Fred and I just assumed you'd be moving in with us..."

She blushed herself. "You want me to live with you guys?"

He shifted uncomfortably, and reached back out to her, it made him anxious to not be able to feel her reaction. Lyra understanding obliged and laced her hand with his. "I mean, we spent most of the summer living together, and all of winter break. So I just assumed that now we had our own place..."

"And Fred's okay with this?"

"Yeah, he'd probably be pissed if you didnt honestly. Even back when we were looking at flats, it was always the plan that you would move in. Guess it was kind of rude of us not to consult you about it..."

She laughed, and brought his hands to her lips kissing his knuckles. George felt his cheeks heat as the sensation brought the evenings earlier events to the front of his mind.

Lyra blushed too, sensing the shift in his emotions as they followed his thoughts. She tried to ignore it though, forging on. "I'm not upset, I was just surprised that you two would want me living with you."

George pulled her to him again, wrapping his arms around her once more. "of course we want you there."

Lyra felt her heart swell at the sincerity in his voice. Tears began to well in her eyes, and she quickly wiped them away. "I've really missed you guys." She said.

"Oh hey, no tears." He pulled her hands away and kissed her cheeks.

"They're happy tears."

"You girls are so weird, crying when your happy. Honestly." He said rolling his eyes and grinning.

"Oh shut it Weasley." She laughed.

"Lyra?" George said a bit more seriously now. "Come back with me."


His grip on her tightened, "Your not happy here... Come home with me. Study for your n.e.w.t.s from home. Once Dumbledores back, you can come back and take them. I'm sure they'll make an exception for you."

And Lyra could picture it. Nestled away in a cozy flat. Working along side George and Fred in the joke shop. The bustle of Diagon alley. Studying in the peace and quiet of the apartment. Away from Umbridge, from her inquisitorial squad, from Hogwarts itself. It sounded like a dream come true...

And yet, she couldn't bring herself to say yes. Something in her gut, at the core of her magic wouldn't let go. The thought of leaving now filled her with a panic she didn't understand.

"What's wrong?" George asked worriedly.

"I, I can't. Not yet."


"I don't know..." She focused on the feeling trying to grasp it. To understand it. But it was out of her reach. "There's something else. I'm not done here yet."

"I don't like it." He said, "listen if you don't want to come stay with Fred and I that's fine. I can take you back to your parents place or grimmuld until this is over-"

"No George. It's not that."


"I want to come and be with you and Fred, and once I can I will."

"It's not safe."

"I'm a big girl George Weasley." She said pointedly, "plus I'm honestly probably safer here. Sure Umbridge is a tyrant but she's not a real threat."

"It just makes me anxious not having you close by. I get so worried something is going to happen again. What if something happens? What if there's danger and you have no way to contact me?"

Lyra rolled her eyes. "Isn't that the whole point of your Christmas gift? So that we always know the other is safe?"

George didn't answer, and she knew she had him. Sighing Lyra laid down and pulled him down with her. Curling into him and breathing him in.

"Please George?"

He sighed frustratedly. "Alright. But I have conditions."

"Go on..."

"No more holding back Lyra Stone. I don't care how much trouble you get into. If someone go's to put their hands on you, you better swing like you did on that Mac kid during Christmas."

She deliberated, as long as she stayed out of the sight of the Inquisitorial squad, she'd probably be able to avoid a situation like that happening... "Okay, that's manageable."

"I'm not finished." He said, and she had to bite back a smile. He reached down grabbing the locket around her neck, holding it in his hand. "If your name moves from trouble to danger I'm coming to get you. Scratch that. If I think it's getting to close to danger I'm coming to get you and I dont want to hear any if ands or buts about it."

"Yes Mother, anything else?" Lyra asked

"If you somehow manage to get yourself into actual trouble like you did last year. I am never letting you out of my sight again." He threatened.

"You know for someone who doesn't like to follow rules, you surely like making them."

"Come home with me and you can break all the rules you want."

He let go of her locket and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him. Lyra yawned and nuzzled his chest.

"Its okay. If they'll make you feel better I don't mind humoring them."

"Tired love?" He asked bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it.

"Mmm" she said and nodded.

"Go to sleep then."

"Promise you won't kidnap me while I rest?"

He chuckled, "we'll see

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