Chapter 17: Three Broomsticks

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"Don't need to be so sharp tempered. But you knew Sirius inside and out. Wouldn't you have any ideas about his whereabouts?" Rosmerta asked rudely.

"And how would I know that? He never showed me that side!" I defended.

"We'll you and him were VERY close at that time..." Rosmerta said with an annoying tone. I knew what she meant by 'very close'.

"You are just full of it aren't you?" I snapped back.

"Ladies! Ladies! Enough! We aren't here to argue!" McGonagall said sternly breaking the fight.

"It don't matter how close Stacey and he were. Stacey has a good heart and he knew that. Sirius wouldn't tell 'er that because he knew she would tell the Ministry," Hagrid said defending me.

"Thank you Hagrid. Good to know you have sense unlike others," I said rolling my eyes at Rosmerta who watched me carefully.

"But it is worse ..." Cornelius said.

Rosmerta turned her attention from me and asked how anything could be possibly worse.

"You know how him and James Potter were friends and they caused a lot of trouble?" Hagrid asked.

"Which only got worse when they added Stacey, here, in their group along with Clyde Brooke!" McGonagall added laughing slightly.

"How could I forget when the eight of them were here is was havoc!" Rosmerta said smiling to herself.

I sat back calmer now. I remember those days. It was so much of fun. We did create a lot of trouble with our pranks but even more when we had our disagreements over Severus. But the conversation regained its serious atmosphere later. When we started talking about how Sirius was the godfather. If Harry ever found out I knew it would crush him and he would probably hate me for not telling him. But Harry wasn't here so it was safe. Then it moved on to how Sirius was their secret keeper. But they were wrong. It was Peter Who was their secret keeper. I didn't speak anymore. I just listened. It hurt me to listen to what they spoke about Sirius. If only they knew the truth.

"Why didn't Lily make you their secret keeper? She had known you all her life." Rosmerta asked me.

"Because you-know-who was also after Stacey, for her powers. With Harry out of the way all he needed was Stacey and he would be invincible," Cornelius told her.

Hagrid blew up in anger when they spoke about the night Lily and James died. I didn't blame him. If I was in his position I would have done the same thing. But I grew tense with anger when they started to pity Peter. That stupid lying git. When Hagrid spoke about taking Harry to the Dursleys then I spoke in.

"Well the poor kid wouldn't have to go to a muggle family if you didn't remove my custody from him," I grumbled angrily.

"Stacey we have been over this! It wasn't safe! With your condition and the fact that Sirius was your fiancée at that time - it was dangerous," Cornelius said to me.

"No she is right. You can't blame her for those thing. Poor Harry could have has some real family!" Hagrid pitched it.

"Enough! I'm not discussing this alright!?" Cornelius told me overwhelmed.

I huffed and we went back to speaking about Peter. By the end nearly everyone seemed to be on distress over Peter except me. Then Fudge brought up the newspaper. I couldn't do this anymore. I was tired if this hate towards Sirius and besides I already knew the truth. With that I stood up.

"Where are you off to Stacey?" Rosmerta asked.

"Back to Hogwarts. I do not wish to speak about this anymore. It is quite upsetting to me ..." I drifted off.

Lost Memories: I'll Be Your SaviorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz