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A/N: Real quick question: Would you rather have a Drex redemption or Rays father redemption in the coming chapters?


Ray was a lot of things. He was Captain Man, a friend, a lover, a soon-to-be-father. He was loud, obnoxious, caring, loving, and childish. What he wasn't; however, was prepared to leave his boyfriend's side to fight crime while the younger womb expanded to create room for his children. And to top it all off, Ray had managed to pass the stomach bug he'd had last week to his lover, who already suffered horrific morning sickness and cramping. So he wouldn't. Ray placed a delicate kiss on Henry's temple while Schwoz was  looking over him before darting out of the bedroom, and back into the man cave.

"Move or be moved, Jasper!" Ray called out as he pushed past the two teens standing in front of the emergency call button. Ray told them to be quiet as he motioned to the button and pushed it, "what is it?" Ray listens to the police read off a report and he rolls his eyes as anger runs through him. "Let me get this straight. You, the police, are calling me because a suburban soccer mom is harassing hipsters at a coffe house... I am dealing with a far more important issue at the moment and you, THE POLICE, thought you needed Captain Man to tell Karen to shove it up her ass. Just arrest her for trespassing if she won't leave and don't bother me with this type of 'emergency' ever again!" Ray shouts as slams his hand down on the button. Ray rushes back to Henry after telling Charlotte to ignore if they call back with some bullshit like that again.

"I'm back, love" Ray announced as he burst through his bedroom door. Ray swiftly shut the door and was immediately at Henry's side, brushing his fingers through messy blonde hair. "He won't listen to me, Ray," Schwoz says as Ray settles next to Henry. "I keep telling him he needs to change his position to alleviate the pressure from the round ligaments so he won't be in pain, but he says he's too scared to move. He needs to move, so the stress doesn't start to become a problem. Would you please talk him down and get him to move? I'll come back in thirty minutes to make sure it's all going okay, alright." Schwoz says before leaving.

"Why don't we get you to turn onto your back, " Ray says softly as he gently pulls Henry's from his side. "...and how about I move right here so I can lift your hips up slightly, and I'll stuff this pillow under your back for some more comfort. Feeling the pressure go?" Ray says as he pulls Henry's legs to either side of his waist. Henry lets out a sigh of relief before a few sniffles and nods. "Why wouldn't you move earlier, Buba?" Ray asks as he sways from one knee to another and presses his thumbs into Henry's hips. "I don't have pants on..." Henry says quietly as his cheeks begin to burn red. Ray looks down and snickers before smiling down at Henry, "I can see that."

Henry throws his arms over his face in embarrassment and lets his hips shift from side to side with Ray's swaying as the pressure leaves his body. "Maybe the twins just like the feeling of nostalgia," Ray says as he smirks at his boyfriend, who was peeking up at him in confusion from under his hands. "I mean, this is the same position they were created in, right?" Henry rolls his eyes and scoffs, "I will kick you, Raymond Manchester." Ray lets out an affectionate laugh and leans down to connect his lips to Henry's salty ones. Ray smiles into the kiss before pulling away and burrowing his face into Henry's neck as the sick man giggles and sighs in relief at the affectionate act of love.

The door creaks open, and Schwoz pokes his head into the room. "It was pretty calm, so I thought I'd just check in on Henry now, " the German man says as Ray pulls back from his boyfriend's neck. "He's okay now. The position change helped him a lot. You guys can all go out for lunch and charge it in the man card. Hen and I will eat later, when he's feeling more up to it, " Ray says with a smile. Schwoz nods and leaves the room again. Ray watches the other shut the door and leans back down to kiss Henry again, but the other turns away and giggles. "You're gonna get this bug again if you keep these kisses up, Ray!" Ray laughs and shakes his head, "I still have it, so excuse me if I don't mind and would rather worship my pregnant boyfriend."

Ray connects his lips to Henry's, both of them laughing into the liplock. Henry moans into the kiss and Ray pulls away laughing, "you were just 30 minutes ago sobbing from cramping, and now you're moaning from sexual tension?" Ray says sarcastically, "No sex for 24 hours... Not that I don't want to have sex.... But just to be safe." Henry groans but nods in awareness,

"Fine. At least cuddle with me, then?" Henry says happily. Ray chuckled and buried his face back into Henry's shoulder and sighing. They stay like that for a long moment, Henry's legs wrapped next to Ray's waist with Ray's strong hands holding Henry's hips up and Henry's chin resting in Ray's chestnut hair while Ray breathed in Henry's scent. But then it happened. The slightest flutter against Ray's chest.  A strange swooping feeling in Henry's stomach. "I think the babies just moved!" they both say quickly. Ray laughs into Henry's shoulder as tears fill his eyes and Henry wraps his arms around Ray with tears filling his own eyes and he smiles to himself.

"Our babies are moving!" Henry says happily as the feeling returns again, "they're actually moving!" Ray can't stop the tears from spilling onto the pillow underneath Henry's head. He can't stop the smile from taking over his face or the happy and loudly annoying loud that leaves him as he feels the flutter against his chest once more. The babies were moving. Charlotte and Piper were planning a gender reveal/baby shower for them, Ray and Henry were designing the nursery, and the babies were moving. Everything was okay... For now.


A/N: Thank you all for reading, and please answer my question because I'm torn between these two and need someone to decide for me. I love you all and really love your comments of encouragement, but mainly your ability to our up with my awful update timing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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