Oh, Jasper

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An explanation for such a long wait is at the end, and I apologize. I really do love you guys for reading and supporting this story, and I hope you enjoy this new chapter❤️

"Four months down, Henry!" Ray cheered as he high five his boyfriend, "just five more to go, and we'll be parents!" Henry gleams at the notion and slides off the chair he'd been resting back in for the examination. "Too bad I still have morning sickness," Henry says flatly. I mean, it usually ceases when the first trimester moves toward an end. "I forgot about that part," Ray says as he awkwardly rubs his neck. "I wish I could," Henry parodies. Ray smirks at him and rubs Henry's back gently, "I know you'll be an incredible mom." Henry leans back and pecks Ray on the lips with a sweet smile. "Thanks."

Hooking his fingers into Ray's collar, Henry twists, leaning in and kissing him again. "Okay. For the final time, are you sure?"

"Are you going to try to stop me?" Ray teases softly. Henry appeared like he yearned to confess something, but he elected against it, "I love you."

"I love you too," Ray says quietly. Ray nods and stands when the others come back in, "It should just be a hasty in and out; a routine check of the prison. I'll text you before I leave and pick something up for lunch, okay guys?" Ray asks cheerily. The three nod, and Henry waves as Ray shouts up the tube.

"I bet Ray worships that you can't disguise your baby belly now," Charlotte lets out as she stretches. Henry grinned momentarily and rests his hands on the rounding of his abdomen. "He's obsessed with it, and I think it's adorable how enthusiastic he is to become a daddy," Henry clarifies. Charlotte smirks to herself and snorts. "Daddy? Is that another one of his kinks?" Charlotte asks in a teasing manner. Henry stays silent and slowly glances over to Charlotte with a knowing smirk. Charlotte bursts out cackling, and doubles over in laughter.

"He 'enjoys' you calling him Daddy?" Charlotte giggles. Henry nods and huffs out a chuckle himself. "He likes being called daddy A LOT more in private if you know what I mean..." Henry teases. Charlotte's eyes go wide, and she stares at him with her mouth hung open, "Let me guess, he calls you mommy then?" Henry winks at Charlotte, and she doubles over in laughter once again while muttering, "I can't. I can't. I can't. Dear lord! I can't breathe" between her hiccups of laughter.

"Eww," Schwoz says in his thick, strange accent as he finally catches up to what the others were talking about, "stop talking about my best friend's sex life in front of me!" Henry shrugged and snickers as he grabs a folder from the table in front of them and takes a seat next to Charlotte to begin sorting the files with them. "I mean, Henry's pregnant, so... Ray was obviously doing some of the nasty...." Charlotte jokes. Schwoz shakes his head rapidly and lets out a disgusted noise while Henry laughs, and Charlotte says something about Schwoz's low maturity level.

They continue on with their work and casually pass the folders to one another while double-checking the information in each one. A few folders had misspelled words, most likely when a mission had run late at the end of the month, and Ray, with his terrible vocabulary and English skills, rushed the mission report last minute to add to their system. They sat the folders with errors in a separate pile and held their place on the files cart with a piece of red cardboard. Once they had all approved the last file was fine, Schwoz placed it onto the file cart and wheeled it to the back.

"Hey, shouldn't Ray be back by now?" Charlotte asks as she looks at her phone screen. Henry shrugs and hums, and he picks one of the errors files up, "I don't know. What time is it?" Charlotte cheeks her phone again, "2:37." Henry scowls as he digs his own phone out of his pocket to confirm Charlotte's words. "Yeah, yeah, he should," Henry says quietly. He puts the file back on the table as he slides off the couch with his phone held in hand. "I'm gonna call to make sure everything is okay, alright, Char?" Charlotte nods, and Henry quickly walks towards the back of the Man Cave as he calls Ray's number. The phone rang twice before Ray picked up, "Hey, I'm sorry for running late, but we had a problem with Drex at the prison. Don't worry; he's been taken care of, and the problem was just with what he had said. I'll be back soon; what do you guys want me to pick up for lunch, babe?"

Henry let out a sigh of comfort and smiled. "Let me ask them real quick, okay?" Henry says happily. Ray hums through the phone in agreement, and Henry gazes at Charlotte before pointing to his phone and asking her to go ask Schwoz what they could all decide on. Charlotte shrugs and heads back to consult Schwoz as Henry shouts after her that Nacho Ball would not be a selection because he didn't want to be up all night sick from smelling it. Henry can hear Ray snort through the phone and groans, "it's not funny, Raymond!" The laughter got louder at Ray's full name, and Henry rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Raymond?! Oh boy! I'm gonna get my ass kicked when I get back, aren't I?"  Ray laughs. Henry hums joyfully as Charlotte comes back from the back. "Are you okay with McDonald's?" Charlotte asks Henry as he watches her. Henry jods to her with a thumbs up and Charlotte goes back to the files sat on the table. "You okay with McDonald's, Ray?" Henry asks his boyfriend.

"Yeah. Text me the orders, and I'll be there in around 20 or 30 minutes, depending on traffic. And we have to talk about your friend Jasper later tonight. I didn't know how but he figured out who you are and the baby situation," Ray says quietly. Henry lets out a heavy breath and frowns. "What do you mean? How do you know he knows?" Henry asks in a hushed voice? It was silent for a moment, and Henry waited patiently for Ray to reply. "So you know that Captain Man and Kid Danger page we have on Instagram?" Ray says finally. Henry nods before realizing Ray can't see him. "Yeah. What does that have to do with Jasper knowing anything?" Henry asks quickly? Charlotte turns around quickly at the mention of Jasper's name and stares at Henry with wide eyes. "He DMed it and said he knew Kid Danger was Henry Hart and that you were pregnant. I wanted to discuss what to do with you before I decided how to handle him," Ray explains.

Henry hums and sighs again before rubs the back of his head and shakes his head, "yeah. Thank you for thinking of asking me before you decide. We'll talk after lunch about what to do with Jasper. Okay, babe. I love you too. I'll see you, babe. Okay, love you too, bye." Henry says before he finishes his call. Charlotte stares at Henry and waves her hands in the air while she waits for an explanation. "Jasper figured out who Kid Danger is, and he somehow knows I'm pregnant," Henry says as he takes place next to Charlotte on the couch. "WHAT?!" Charlotte asks loudly before pushing the files into the box labeled error next to the table. Henry nods at her  with wide eyes and laughs in disbelief, "that's what I'm saying?!"

This was going to be a tough decision they needed to make, and they needed to make it now. 

A/N: HEY! Sorry that this was late coming out, and I know I promised it Sunday. I had a terrible asthma attack, and I have been in the hospital most of the week, unable to do really anything. I just got home yesterday evening, and I was going to upload this tomorrow at noon, but I keep waking up, so I'll just post this now at 1 am and complete the next chapter😅 once again; I'm sorry for such a long wait. I'll try and get the next chapter out by Saturday morning. I love you all, and please comment ideas for the story.

The Side EffectOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora