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Harry Styles

"So you have a kid?" Liam asks as I sat down on the couch, he walked over and sat next me.

"Yeah" I nodded "And the kid is Danica's?" He asks once more. I nodded again and took a swig of my beer.

"Wow that's a lot of information, how did you handle that?" I turned my vision towards his and gave him the 'really' look. "Right, you flipped the fuck out didn't you?" "No I just..figured it out" I spoke freely.

He nodded as the room was swallowed with never ending silence. "You're not backing out of the group are you?" I shook my head took another drink of beer.

"Does she know about us? Like what we do?" I shook my head again and sat my drink on the table. "No, but we both secrets" He furrowed his brows and just looked at me confused.

"How do you know she has secrets?" "I just do" Our conversation was cut short by Liam's phone ringing in his pocket. He digs his hand into it and pulls it out to answer it.

"Hello?....Now?.....Ok," He sighed and hung up the phone before looking at me and smiling.

"We have to go, there's a shipment due" I groaned and stood up making my way upstairs to get my phone and stuff before leaving with the rest of the boys.

We get to the shipment sight and meet up with the buyer, He stands in front of the five of us with a deadpanned look on his face.

"Is that all of it?" He points to the duffle bags at our feet. "Yeah, this is it" Zayn spoke as he kicked the bag at his feet in between us and the buyer.

"Are you sure? You could've missed some" "I-" Louis began to speak but I spoke up before he could, "Hey man don't question how we do our jobs just take your drugs give us the money and go the fuck on" I growled, He rose his hands in surrender and handed us two briefcases. I took one in each hand and Niall and I turned towards each other, I placed the first briefcase on his arms that he had laid out as a flat surface then set the other by my feet.

I opened the briefcase and saw stacks of money filling the entire case. I checked the other one as well just to be safe then closed it and picked them both up and walked away without saying another word. The five of us got back in the black SUV and drove back to our boss to give him the money.

"Why did that motherfucker try to tell us how to do our job?" Niall growled I shrugged my shoulders not knowing what to say.

"Well it's over so let's just take this shit back to Archer so he doesn't beat the fuck out of us for being late again" Liam said as we were pulling into where Archer's 'Place of business' is.

"I fucking told you to get that shipment delivered without being noticed!" Archer screamed at the man standing in front of him with his head down.

"I tried but I don't think anyone saw" The man defended himself causing Archer to growl and put his head in his hands before pulling his gun out and pointing it to the side of the man's head.

The man winced at the cold metal resting against his head, "It doesn't matter if anyone saw or not you should've done it somewhere more private! Get the hell out of my face before I blow your head off!" Archer yelled as he pushed the man towards the door that the five of us were standing in front of.

As the man left Archer noticed our presence. "Where's my money" He growled as he walked over to us angrily and grabbed the briefcases from both my hands.

He walked back to his desk and checked both cases with a smile on his face. He grabbed our part of the money and walked back to us. He handed it to us one by one. We didn't look at how much it was yet, we've learned to never do that in front of Archer.

"You can go now" He spoke, as we left we all let out a breath of relief cause we were happy we didn't get our asses kicked for being late like last time.

"25 grand! That's the most we've ever gotten from him" Niall cheered as we got back in the SUV. I looked at my money to see that it was in fact 25 grand. I smiled to myself and silently did a cheer in my head.

Let's go home and get shitfaced" Liam said as we began to drive home. "No I'm going to Dani's" "What no tell her to come party with us" Louis said. I shook my head and looked over to Liam that was driving.

"She has a child, she's not gonna want to go party" I spoke he shrugged and smiled through the rearview mirror

"Never know, she could be the biggest party animal ever and you won't know it if you don't ask" He explained. I bit the inside of my cheek thinking if I should.

I took out my phone and went to Dani and I's messages.

To: Danica
Hey would you want to come to a party tonight? It's at my place
Sent at 3:14pm

I sat my phone on my lap and kept looking out the window waiting for a response. When we pulled into the driveway she finally responded I checked the message that said,

From: Danica
I'd love to what time does it start?
Delivered at 3:20pm

I was surprised to see that she actually agreed to come. I told her that she could come around 6 o clock cause it's just gonna be the five of us plus her.

She said thanks for the invite and that was the last time she messaged me so my guess is that she was looking for a babysitter.

"I still can't believe you have a kid mate" Zyan spoke as he patted my right shoulder. I nodded in my agreement and smiled at him.

"Maybe she'll let you guys meet her cause she's beautiful. She looks just like Dani" I gawked about my daughter while picturing her and Danica with me right now.

I want to be with Danica but I just feel like friends is all we need to be, I can't put her in any danger with my job. It's too dangerous. I'll get her killed if she ever gets too involved with me.

Besides who says we'll work out. We may crash and burn like a lot of relationships.

I went upstairs to shower and get ready for Danica get here. I want to look good for the party but not like I'm trying too hard. She's just a friend that I have a baby with, we're friends and parents together. That's normal, right?

Shit inviting her might've been a mistake

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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